Passion in Restraints

Free Passion in Restraints by Diane Thorne

Book: Passion in Restraints by Diane Thorne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Thorne
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
to Stephen. “I’m sorry to hear that. Do you own many companies too?” Stephen’s attire suggested he too was a successful businessman.
    “I own a few.”
    “He’s a very good businessman. Very smart,” Nikolaus said. “I’m trying to convince him to take over my establishments.”
    Stephen chuckled. “He never stops trying.”
    “I’m fifty-three and ready to start enjoying retirement. It’s time to let someone else handle all the affairs, and you know you are the best man for the job.”
    “I keep telling him he can’t retire until he finishes paying for his daughters’ educations, and he continues to insist I step into his shoes.”
    “A college education is expensive.” Gwen nodded. “I can understand the need to keep working to pay for such an expense.”
    “Do you have any children, Gwenevere?” Nikolaus asked.
    “I have two grown daughters. One is still in college. Please, call me Gwen.”
    “Grown young women? I’m shocked. You look young.” Nikolaus ran his gaze down her body.
    “I’m forty-four.”
    “I would never have guessed.” A hint of a smile played on Nikolaus’ lips. “You look incredible for your age.”
    “Thank you.” Warmth spread within her body.
    “Both of my daughters are in college too,” Nikolaus said. “I divorced when my girls were young. My ex-wife grew tired of my endless nights and days away from home, but understood the nature of my position.”
    “I’m sure it is a very demanding job to manage so many companies,” Gwen said.
    “It is. And now I’m ready to sit back and relax.” Nikolaus lifted his wrist and glanced at his watch.
    Stephen shook his head. “Time to go?”
    “Yes, we should.” Nikolaus turned to Gwen. “Would you like to join us for dinner?”
    Excitement fluttered through her body. Although a bubble bath and relaxing night appealed to her tired feet and body, she’d rather make friends with charming men, especially since it seemed she wouldn’t be able to see a show at the Opera House. “I’d like that.”
    “Excellent. Have you tried any of Vienna’s fine cuisine?” Nikolaus asked.
    “I admit I haven’t tried much at all. This is my second day here.”
    He extended an arm. “Then we will take you to Zum Schwarzen Kameel and you can taste the exquisite food Vienna has to offer.”
    Stephen led the way down a long hall. Anxiety stirred within Gwen as she walked next to the two men. Leaving with them reminded her of Rome. Leo and Paolo were brothers who’d invited her to cruise and a little playtime in the form of a ménage on their yacht. Would Stephen and Nikolaus tempt her to join them too? What were the odds of such a thing?
    She shook the thought from her mind. It was a crazy idea. But for heaven’s sakes, what was going on with her? Was she becoming some kind of fuck-me magnet? In every city she ventured into, she’d bumped into a handsome and generous man, or two, then had ended up doing the dirty deed with them. She’d had more sex on her trip then she’d had in over fifteen years. Not that she was complaining. No. She had enjoyed every minute with each wonderful man, and every orgasm.
    “I appreciate your kindness,” Gwen said as they reached an exit.
    Stephen pushed open an exit and sunlight filled the hall. He held the door and Gwen stepped outside. A long black car with tinted windows waited in a small alley. She came to a halt a few feet from the vehicle and waited for Nikolaus. He walked from the building and stopped beside her.
    “I’m glad you decided to join us. You won’t be disappointed.” Nikolaus winked at her, then opened the back door of the car.
    Her heart jumped. She sensed the night would be a very happy one.
    Order your copy here

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