Get-Together Summer
cock too, and then he had to close his eyes as his
head fell back and he was coming so hard that it felt a little like
dying in the process.
    When he opened his eyes again, it was morning.
    With a groan he rolled over away from his bedroom
windows. He started to curl up and cringed at the stickiness
between his legs when he tried. It had been a long time since a
dream had gotten him that worked up, and brief scenes of it kept
replaying in his mind in flashes, but while it still aroused a
faint flicker of interest in him, he felt more embarrassed than
anything else. Even after he'd decided he would give up, he was
still thinking of this sort of thing! It wasn't fair!
    Simon nearly rolled himself off the bed in
frustration. Instead, he ended flopped on his back, staring at the
ceiling as if it were the source of his troubles. His overhead
light was the wrong sort o match up to what had been in his dream,
but even so ... !
    He squirmed to get a look at his bedside clock; it
read 9:45, earlier than he thought. With a groan he sat up. On top
of what he'd done to himself the night before, he felt like a
complete mess, creeping for his bathroom. He ran the shower as hot
as he could stand, alternately turning his face up to the
needlelike spray and ducking his head, willing the water to wash
away more than just the stains of the night before.
    He stayed until the water began to run lukewarm, and
then actually cold, shivering as goosebumps formed up and down his
arms. Only when his teeth began to chatter did he shut the water
off, stepping out and grabbing himself a towel to wrap securely
around his entire body, like a blanket. With his hair still
dripping he wandered back into his bedroom and to his closet,
staring at the neat rows of shirts and pants hung up on display. If
they weren't going out today -- or if he wasn't invited to whatever
adventures Haley and Dirk decided to have -- he would just go for
something comfortable over something fancy. He didn't own anything
more casual than jeans, but a quick rubdown with a towel and
wriggling had him in a worn loose pair, with a thin white
button-down shirt over that. He ran a quick haphazard hand through
his hair with a sigh, leaving it flopped awkwardly on end, then
headed downstairs for breakfast.
    When he arrived in the kitchen, Dirk was again the
only person there, in a cloud of bacon smoke and humming to
himself. Simon paused in the doorway, struck by the strong sense of
deja vu. He felt different himself inside, but despite the
superficial changes, everything else seemed completely unchanged.
As such, he remained standing there, sliding his hands into his
pockets and watching Dirk until he was noticed.
    It didn't take long; Dirk shook the pan he was
tending and glanced up. He stared at Simon for a few moments, then
broke into a wide smile. "Morning, prettyboy."
    "My name's Simon," he mumbled, though without much
rancor this time.
    "Yeah, yeah, good morning, Simon . You interested in
something to eat?"
    "What do you have?"
    "We're going traditional today." He gestured to his
pan. "Scrambled eggs and bacon, toast with jam, maybe some fried
tomatoes if I feel like it and there's enough grease after the eggs
are done."
    Simon wrinkled his nose. "Grease?"
    "It's good stuff!" Dirk took up a pair of tongs,
prodding the contents of his pan. "Seriously, you can't expect to
have good eggs if you don't have some decent fat in the pan too.
Unless you're poaching them, maybe, but that doesn't count."
    "Why doesn't it--"
    "Bacon fat is like gold or something." Dirk put a
hand over his heart, looking heavenwards for a moment. "And I
promise it'll taste good. You liked dinner, didn't you?"
    Actually, Simon could barely
remember how any of it had tasted -- but he had eaten it all, so he
    "So trust my instincts here." Dirk grinned toothily,
smug all over again. "I'll make a breakfast that'll knock your
socks off."
    "I'm not wearing socks," Simon huffed, staring
down at his feet. As if to

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