Get-Together Summer
night, they were significantly more explicit: everything was awash
in a faint haze of red, though he couldn't see anything very
clearly either -- there was a small room with a single overhead
light and a wide bed. He was on his back with Haley straddling his
hips, rubbing against him without quite letting him in, her hands
on his shoulders as if to keep him pinned down. He wanted to lift
his hands to touch her, to draw her closer and to hold her still so
he could thrust into her, but found himself unable to move. She
continued to tease him with slow easy motions, and while he
couldn't see her face clearly, he could see the curve of her smile,
plump lower lip caught between her teeth.
    I love you, he wanted to say, though the words
remained trapped in his throat. I love you, I've always loved you,
I wish I could actually tell you this.
    Things shifted then, somehow utterly seamless, and
now Simon was the one sitting up -- kneeling actually, with his
hands on his knees and looking up the long lean length of Dirk's
body. Neither of them were naked, though Simon was shirtless, and
somehow he felt all the more exposed for it. He felt a hand touch
his head and looked up, pressing his cheek into Dirk's palm.
    "You want it, prettyboy?"
    There was challenge in his tone, but it sounded more
affectionate than anything else. Simon swallowed around a sudden
hard pressure in his throat and nodded. On cue, the zipper of
Dirk's pants undid itself and his cock sprang free, already hard,
the tip of it glistening faintly. Simon licked his lips, nervous
and thrilled, then opened his mouth wide to take it in; it slid in
easily, rubbing against his tongue and filling him completely; when
he breathed in his nose was filled with such a strong musky scent
it was overwhelming. He kept his hands obediently on his knees and
his eyes open, watching Dirk's face as that long cock thrust in and
out of his mouth.
    "Fuck," Dirk breathed, a familiar
reverent tone in his voice. "Aw fuck yeah, baby, just like that,
you're so good, shit, look at the mouth on you. Fuck. "
    Simon tried to swallow, working his throat, and Dirk
thrust in harder, still crooning a stream of filthy encouragement.
Simon's own cock ached between his legs, untouched, but as much as
he wanted to take himself in hand and start jerking off, he
continued to refrain. Some small part of him whispered that
touching himself was against the rules -- he'd have to wait, of
course he was expected to wait, because if he came first, that was
cheating and he'd be disqualified from participating again--
    Lights flashed abruptly around him, like those from a
camera; he had to close his eyes after the first volley. He
stretched a little at the same time, trying to show off more of his
body to the unknown audience, pulling back so that only the very
tip of Dirk's cock remained in his mouth, then going all the way
down again (like he'd seen Haley do earlier--).
    A hand sank into his hair, pulling him off
completely. He opened his eyes halfway, blinking slowly. His mouth
felt swollen and tender and now almost uncomfortably empty, and
after a moment he had to look away from Dirk's face, at the cock
that was still so close. When he tried to lean in, though, the hand
on his head pushed back to stop him.
    "You like that?"
    He nodded as best he could.
    "You want more of that?"
    He nodded again, more eagerly.
    "Open wide."
    He did, and a small motion caught his eye. Dirk had
taken his cock in his other hand and was stroking it himself now,
hard and fast; a moment after that registered, Dirk was coming in
hot spurts across his face. Simon moaned himself, closing his eyes,
trying to catch as much of it as he could in his open mouth -- and
then he was on his back again, in the small room with just a bed
and a light, and both Haley and Dirk were bent over him, lapping at
him with dedicated enthusiasm. He propped himself up onto his
elbows to watch, hazy, as they kissed each other around his cock
and kissed his

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