Zero 'g'
I’m not exactly
sure if it’s the same, but my dad explained some basic information
to me about them. But I never would have thought it had anything to
do with this. That’s insane.”
    “ Maybe not.” Carly wished she had paid more attention to the scientist who had brought up
the topic of asteroids. She just hadn’t believed there was anything
to worry about. Who would have anticipated that Earth would lose
its gravity? Although the world had in fact changed a lot, while
she was mopping the floor at work, she had never anticipated it
ending. That was how she felt when she heard about the asteroids.
That it was just too impossible and terrifying to even warrant
thinking about.
    Henry looked deep in thought. When he looked back up at
Carly , he spoke. “The
scientists at NASA don’t know anything about the makeup of the
asteroids. That’s what I understood from my father, anyway. They
don’t have a whole lot of information themselves. Maybe that was
the problem; they don’t know what they are dealing with. The makeup
is unclear, but they do believe that these asteroids are heavier
than normal asteroids of that size. They believe that these
asteroids are of totally different material, which makes the
asteroids heaver and gives them more mass. But they were still
researching the issue when Earth lost its gravity.”
    Carly suddenly felt really sick. “Oh , God. What are we in for here?” Things were bad,
really bad, and it was hard not to think about her family. She just
had to believe that they were going to be all right.
    “ These are scary times indeed ,” Linus added.
    Carly glanced at the ceiling where little David appeared to
be still sleeping. She wondered if she should check on him to make
sure he wasn’t dead. She squinted at him and thought she could see
his chest moving with each breath he took. The poor little thing.
She was sure that the shock of everything going on around them had
exhausted the boy. It seemed as if he had retreated into himself.
It worried her , but there was
nothing she could do about it quite then. She had to focus on the
task at hand because time was of the essence. David would be all
right for the time being. The best way she could help him was to
figure out the problem and get a solution in place.
    “ Could the outages have been caused by an asteroid
impact?” she asked.
    Henry scratched his head. “No, there’s no way. If that were
the case , we would all be dead
right now.”
    Carly’s eyebrows rose as the thoughts
ran through her mind.

Chapter Twelve
    Carly was terrified. Earth had lost its gravity, and there was a strong
possibility that they were going to have problems with asteroids.
It sickened her that they had all allowed the world to become a
shambles. She just hoped that it wasn’t too late to save the world
and the people in it. So many deaths had already happened, and they
needed to put an end to the problem before the population decreased
anymore. She wondered where the rest of the scientists were from
NASA. Someone had to do something, or they were all doomed. How
amazing would it be to have a collective group of scientists
working on the problems? Instead, it was just the three of them.
And none of them had any real knowledge of what had gone down
behind the scenes at NASA. She hoped that Iverson was at least
still in the NASA building somewhere. He could be the key to
everything, since he had been working on Particle B. He might know
exactly what had happened and whether or not it could be
    As Carly thought about
the loss of gravity, an idea started forming in her brain. For
years, research teams and scientists had scoured Earth for new ways
of creating energy to sustain Earth’s gravity and to sustain the
massive amounts of technology people used these days. Was it
possible that the very act of saving the planet was what was
causing it to fall apart? Had they just done too much at that
point? Earth was now having a hard time surviving with

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