Zero 'g'
be with her family and to hold
them close. If this truly was the end of the world, then she wanted
to be with them. The problem was, without gravity, it would take
her forever to float her way home. The task might even be
impossible. If she had any hope at all of ever seeing her family
again, they needed to get the gravity back to Earth and fast. Who
knows what other catastrophes could befall them without gravity?
She certainly didn’t want to be around to find that out.
    As Carly and the team began to see the devastation around
the world, she couldn’t help but imagine how all these people,
despite living in different countries, were all reacting in the
same way to the crisis. No one
was out there alone. She saw numerous shots of people trying to
help the wounded and banding together. It warmed her heart to see
it. Humanity wasn’t lost, after all. When it came down to it,
people always wanted to help other people. That was what was most
    “ How very sad that it takes a crisis to bring people
together toward one common goal. I mean , look at all of them—they are all working together.
It’s just amazing.”
    The boys nodded.
    “ Oh , my
    Both Henry and Linus looked over at
Carly in alarm. “What is it?” Henry asked.
    “ Gosh, I just remembered something. It could be the key.”
Carly tried to collect the
thoughts in her head before she said anything that would get their
hopes up.
    “ What is it , Carly? Is
it something that can help?”
    “ There was one time that I was having lunch in the cafeteria
with a doctor friend of mine who also works at NASA. We were discussing Particle
    Henry spoke up . “That
was the project my dad was working on.”
    “ Yes, they had a team bringing the particle to Earth. It was taking longer than
expected, I remember. They had to build the antigravity rocket and
then start the transportation process.”
    “ You think this is
connected to Particle B?”
    “ I don’t know. Maybe. I
remember that we overheard one of the scientists talking about
Particle B. He was one of the men on the team. He said something
strange. I didn’t understand it at the time.”
    “ What did he
    “ He was discussing the
importance of asteroids to the project.”
    “ What?” exclaimed

Chapter Eleven
    Henry was looking at Carly in shock , and she hoped she wasn’t about to get some bad news.
While she was working at NASA, it wasn’t unusual to overhear some
pretty crazy things. Sometimes both work and personal projects were
going on, and people were making discoveries on their own time. She
was surprised how much Henry seemed to know about the goings-on at
NASA. She wondered if this had more to do with the fact that he was
very perceptive or if he had uncovered some of the knowledge on his
own. The higher-ups would not be pleased to know that a
sixteen-year-old kid knew way more than he should about classified
NASA projects. She doubted that Jim Iverson was imparting all this
knowledge to Henry. That would be highly irregular and not very
smart. No, she had to assume that Henry was bright enough to
stumble upon these things himself.
    She had heard so many stories at NASA that it was really
impossible to know which were real and which were pipe dreams. Some of the stuff discussed
was really farfetched and likely the musings of someone whose ego
was getting too big for his or her body. She had spent a lot of
time laughing with Karina about just that. But was this just one of
such moments? Were the asteroids really a problem for all of
    “ Are you serious ,
Carly?” Henry asked. He looked alarmed, and she hoped she wasn’t
frightening them unnecessarily. Who was she really kidding, though?
The world was turned upside down.
    “ Yeah , of course. I
mean, I’ve heard a lot of stuff over the years. It’s kind of hard
not to. Do you guys know anything about the asteroids? Have you
heard anything similar to the discussion I overheard?”
    “ Well ,

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