The Misadventures of Ka-Ron the Knight

Free The Misadventures of Ka-Ron the Knight by Donald Allen Kirch

Book: The Misadventures of Ka-Ron the Knight by Donald Allen Kirch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donald Allen Kirch
Tags: Fantasy
gave Ka-Ron the creeps!
    "Enter, kind woman, and wonder," a monk whispered, bowing in Ka-Ron's direction.
    The monk was clearly a deformed and tortured soul who could never have survived in the real world. Teal's temple was famous for finding productive lives for those cheated at the time of their births.
    Ka-Ron also remembered the advice with which her squire had provided her: the clerics of this temple worshiped the divinity of women. Since the cure for The Coughingwas discovered by a woman, the clerics treated all women as vessels of divine knowledge - hence the reason that all Wicca Masters were female. If the knight were to receive any honest answers, she would have to use the charms of her new body towards that endeavor.
    "I wish an audience with the High Cleric," Ka-Ron announced, smiling brightly.
    "He is a busy man, dear creature," the deformed monk suggested. He was hideous in nature - hunchbacked. Saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth as Ka-Ron caught him peeking at her ass.
    "Then my presence will brighten his day."
    The monk bowed, heading off deeper into the temple.
    The Head Cleric appeared minutes later, patted the deformed monk on the back, and silently thanked him for the information of his latest visitor. The cleric was young, of a handsome stature, and appeared more knightly than a man of service to the gods. He noticed and admired Ka-Ron's appearance - they were both wearing crimson garments.
    "I am told that you are in need of my services. My name is Darnak. How may I help thee?"
    "Cleric Darnak," Ka-Ron asked, "Is there a place of privacy? Somewhere that we may talk?"
    "All is known to us, child. We walk with all the gods."
    "It's your monks that I am worried about, kind sir."
    Darnak paused for a moment, glancing down at his servants.
    "Of course." The cleric pointed toward a black door at the end of the chambers. "Do me the honor of being my guest."
    Ka-Ron bowed and followed the cleric, passing the blood fountain, the bone altars, and the rows of silently praying visitors and monks.

    "You are who, my child?"
    "Ka-Ron, Errant-Knight."
    Darnak paused before he spoke. Ka-Ron could see that the man was trying to see if she were at all insane. The cleric shook his head in study.
    "I'm a simple cleric, my dear. At our last encounter, Ka-Ron was repeatable explanation of her a man, and of bulkier stature than your lovely presence."
    "I was a man," Ka-Ron explained, frustrated at the current state. "A member of your order has turned me this way. I wish to have an audience with her, in order to correct the&misunderstanding."
    Darnak placed his hands together. Silently, he sat at a chair near his writing desk.
    The priest's quarters were both dark and comfortable. The walls were painted a blood red, with a slight tint of black. Rare ivory woods lined the details of the place, allowing one to think they were in a wealthy man's living space. However, upon further study, the tiny holes in the carpet, the creaking windows, and the mice droppings gathering in the corners of the room showed the reality of the situation. This had been a happy home for a wealthy member of Teal's community - now, a humble home for the priesthood. Quite possibly a donation to help honor a family member's passing into the next world of existence.
    Ka-Ron took a place near the room's only window, feeling the warm light of the suns fall upon her breasts. Her hair shined brightly, catching the attention of her audience.
    "The Wicca Master, who did this, was indeed quite skilled in her craft." Darnak said, studying Ka-Ron. He cleared his throat. "May I know&"
    "It was Kai."
    A shudder of nervous emotion started to overwhelm Ka-Ron as she noticed, for the first time, Darnak studying her. She noticed the warmth of the suns upon her, and the tingling of her cheeks. Ka-Ron did not like being the center of attention in this manner. She started to feel quite emotional. The knight wanted, more than anything, to be safe and sound,

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