Monster (A Cassidy Edwards Novel - Book 1)

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Book: Monster (A Cassidy Edwards Novel - Book 1) by Carmen Caine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carmen Caine
mouth was still bricked.”
    Heath drew in a long breath. “Heavy,” he remarked.
    Tabitha looked suitably shocked.
    I grated my teeth. Where was my imp when I needed him? I needed information, and quickly. Leaning back in my chair, I took a quick peek down the hallway, but there was no sign of my little fiend.
    There was a knocking sound on the window and I glanced back to see Lucian rapping his knuckles for my attention, his pale eyes glaring.
    “Cass, you’ll work with me,” he said curtly. “Bring your imp. Immediately. We mustn’t waste one moment of daylight.”
    Tabitha rescued me. Unintentionally, most likely.
    “Perhaps you’re not the best choice for this mission,” she addressed Lucian rigidly.
    Lucian’s eyes flashed, and he whirled upon her at once. “Don’t be foolish,” he rebuked, and then stretched his lips into a semblance of a smile. “I am the  only  choice, and doubly so if it is  him .”
    I paused in interest. Him? Him who?
    Tabitha stood there, tapping her toe. “Already, you are blind. Beware,” she cautioned. “You can only see that which you seek. You assume, and assumption is the first step taken by a fool.”
    Folding his hands behind his back, he advanced on her, step-by-step and speaking in a soft but deadly voice said, “Bricked mouth, staked heart. Both knees pinned with wood. Who else would have required such restraint in the Middle Ages?” Pointing to the crumpled instructions now on the table, he continued. “And if that were not enough …  that  says he’s wearing a kilt.”
    Obviously,  I  drew a blank. A man in a kilt wasn’t exactly the first thing to come to mind when imagining a dangerous vampire.
    Tabitha apparently knew whom he spoke of. “Ramsey is strong. Legendary.”
    “Stronger than I?” Lucian’s teeth gritted into a dark smile, but anger thrummed beneath his words.
    Tabitha’s frown intensified. I had to admit, she was pretty plucky. In her short, accusing way, she continued sharply, “You’re not a Chosen One.”
    “No,” Lucian agreed, his expression hard and unyielding. “I’m a warlock.”
    Finally, she fell silent. For her, I guess it was the mark of concession.
    Lucian nodded just once. “We leave, now, before he is unbricked, and the others are found. The humans mustn’t be allowed to unleash these Chosen Ones—not if it is truly his clan. You both know what to do.”
    Rising to his feet, Heath folded his hands and gave a solemn bow of respect—not unlike the customary bow in Japan. He kind of ruined it by adding, “Right on, man. We got your back!”
    Making a mental note to get to know Heath better, I looked at Tabitha. Her face was frozen in disapproval, but she lifted her arm anyway and vanished into a whirlwind of red smoke. A moment later, a red lizard slithered where she’d been.
    Whistling cheerfully under his breath, Heath crouched on the floor and held out his hand. Securing the red lizard around his finger, he doffed an imaginary hat and strode out the door.
    Lucian turned on me then, his pale eyes glittering with fierce determination. “Let’s go.”
    Crud. I’d been a bit too fascinated and hadn’t skipped out to find Ricky before I got caught. All right then. It was time to bluff some more.
    “My imp’s taking a nap, long flight and all. I’ll just go wake him,” I said with a firm nod.
    Without giving Lucian a chance to object, I charged out of the room and down the corridor in the same direction that I’d seen Ricky run.
    Reaching the staircase, I stood still for a moment to inhale deeply. Various mana scents drifted into my nostrils. I analyzed them with intense concentration.
    The old woman.
    Three cats—one of which was Esmeralda.
    A couple of juicy tourists on the streets.
    My stomach growled and I licked my lips. If I only had a minute ... I sighed, and with difficulty, forced myself to concentrate.
    There he was, the little fiend. His delicately distinct scent wafted from somewhere in the

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