Rust: A Bad Boy Romance (Courage MC)

Free Rust: A Bad Boy Romance (Courage MC) by Kara Hart

Book: Rust: A Bad Boy Romance (Courage MC) by Kara Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kara Hart
don’t be shy. Sit on his lap!”
    I got off the bike and walked in front of him, shaking my hips from side to side. You know, teasing him. I know how much this was killing the man and it gave me a lot of pleasure to draw it out as much as possible. I pushed my butt out and placed it directly on his lap. “Come on, honey. Put your hands around me. Aren’t you excited?” I winked.
    “Happiest day of my god damn life.” he mumbled, looking uneasy. “Alright, let’s do this. Read the words, lady. Marry us.”
    I hit his arm. “Honey, don’t rush this. This is going to be the day we look back on the most!” He shook his head, unable to even look me in the eyes.
    The woman read a few bible verses and then began the actual ceremony. She turned on an old boom box and pressed play on a cassette tape. Old, sappy and romantic music played as I held Rust close to me, knowing full well I was ruining his day.
    “Now, what are your names?” she asked us.
    “This here’s Rust! And I’m Jackie!” I smiled and kissed his cheek.
    “Do you Rust take beautiful Jackie to be your lawfully wedded wife, promising to love and cherish, through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, and whatever challenges you may face, for as long as you both shall live?” she asked, tears forming in her eyes. She was obviously a sucker for true love.
    “I do.” Rust sighed, grabbing at a cigarette.
    “And do you Jackie take handsome Rust to be your partner in life; sharing your path, equal in love, a mirror for your true self, promising to honor and cherish, through good times and bad, until death do you part?” she asked, wiping the tears away. Oh, it was such a beautiful moment.
    “I do.” I said.
    “Oh, shoot!” she cried. “You guys are just too darn cute! Do you have the rings?”
    The rings! I had completely forgotten about that part. Of course we didn’t have any rings.
    But Rust reached into his pocket and pulled out an old ring. “I got mine, right here.” Rust said. It was beautiful, with a large diamond in the center.
    “What…” I said. “Rust…”
    “Take it. It was my grandmothers. You’re part of the family now. It’s yours.”
    “Yes! True love!” The woman exclaimed, clapping her hands. “But where is your ring, sir?” she asked.
    “I don’t need no ring. I told her not to get me one.” he muttered under his breath.
    “Well isn’t he sweet. He doesn’t need anything physical to show the world that he loves you. You just know, don’t you?” I nodded awkwardly.
    And now, by the power vested in me by the State of Idaho, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”
    “And then something different happened. Rust leaned forward and kissed me, but it wasn’t like a normal kiss. No. It was passionate, loving, and confident. It was as if he had loved me all of his life. A real kiss. An actual kiss, born out of love. Was I crazy to think that? I wrapped my arms around him and smiled, listening to the woman declare us together, for life.
    “Family and Friends, I present to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs…” She stopped short and whispered, “What’s y’alls last name?”
    Rust cleared his throat and whispered, “Blackwood.” He looked proud.
    “Your last name is Blackwood?” I asked.
    “Drop it.” I shrugged. It wasn’t weird or anything, but clearly he didn’t want people knowing he had a last name at all.
    The woman at the window perked up and excitedly yelled, “Mr. and Mrs. Blackwood! You two are married!” She shot a confetti gun at us, causing Rust to nearly fall off his bike out of sheer surprise.
    And that was it. We were married. Together. Forever.

    I couldn’t believe it myself. Marriage? Shit . How the hell did I end up here? Me and my big mouth. All my crazy ideas. My rash decision-making. It wasn’t as if this was real though. It’s for the families. More importantly, it’s for Courage. I had to remember that. It was a time of violence and the

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