Daylight Runner

Free Daylight Runner by Oisin McGann

Book: Daylight Runner by Oisin McGann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Oisin McGann
glance at the webscreen that showed the weather conditions outside. The outside temperature—without windchill—read –85 º C. Positively balmy. Inweather like this, the daylighters from the four depots could clear nearly half the dome in a day. In an ice storm, the temperature could drop to –180 º C or more. Even in a safesuit, a man could freeze solid in minutes. Harley waved wearily to Sol, beckoning him over.
    â€œCome about your dad, I expect,” he boomed. “We haven’t seen ’im. You any idea where he might be?”
    Sol shook his head. “I was hoping you could tell me. You know he’s…They’ve accused him—”
    â€œDon’t you mind that crap.” Harley grimaced. “There’s no way Gregor killed Tommy. Hold on there while I change and we’ll go down to the cafeteria. I need to get some food in me.”
    The food hall was filling up, and the background sound of voices meant Harley and Sol had to speak loudly to be heard even across the table. The smell of cooking oil, fish, onions, and overcooked vegetables pervaded everything. The walls, once white, were a seedy yellow.
    â€œHaven’t seen your dad since Wednesday,” Harley said over a large plate piled high with vegetables and steamed carp, fresh from the fish farm. “We were out on the glass, and he just up and left. Didn’t even tell me he was going, simply unhitched his safety line and slid down to the air lock. He’s never done that before. Your dad’s a reliable man—one of my best. Tommy was working nearby; he saw your old man take off and followed after him. Something must have got Gregor worked up, but Icouldn’t tell you what. That was the last time I saw either of them.”
    â€œDidn’t you go after them to find out what was going on?”
    â€œSure I did. You don’t cut out in the middle of a job. Not on my watch. But by the time I got in, they were both gone. Just dumped their gear where they came in and bolted.”
    He shoveled some fish into his mouth, chewing as he talked. “It’s just not like your old man to do that, Sol. I mean, he’s got his interests outside work, you know….” He looked anxiously across the table.
    â€œI know about the gambling,” Sol told him.
    â€œRight. Well, that’s his own business, y’know? It’s never got in the way before. But if this is down to some debt or somethin’…”
    Sol thought about the betting slips he had found in his father’s room. “I don’t know,” he said quietly.
    His mind turned to the man Gregor was supposed to have killed. “What kind of man was this guy Hyung?” he asked. “Was he into gambling?”
    â€œTommy?” Harley looked at the ceiling. “Not sure. Didn’t know him too well; he was fairly new. Bit of a tough guy, I think. Kept to himself mostly. He and your dad got on well, though. When the two of them ran off at the same time like that, I just assumed Tommy was going after Gregor to see what was wrong.”
    Sol nodded. “Where were you working?” he asked. “When they cut out?”
    â€œThird Quadrant, halfway up the grid.” Harley stuck a whole potato in his mouth. “Didn’t see where he actually stopped. It’ll be on his marker. Go on up and have a look if you want.”
    Sol thanked him and got up to leave. Harley reached across and grabbed his arm. His huge hand made Sol’s upper arm look like an infant’s.
    â€œSol, if you know where he is—or if you find him—tell him to come to me if he’s in trouble. I’ll see ’im right. It doesn’t matter what he’s done. Debts can be settled, y’know? There’s no need for him to get hurt over money.”
    â€œYeah, thanks, Harley,” Sol replied. “Appreciate it. But, to be honest, I just want to know what’s happened to him.

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