Savage Alien: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Reestrian Mates Book 5)

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Book: Savage Alien: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Reestrian Mates Book 5) by Sue Lyndon, Sue Mercury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sue Lyndon, Sue Mercury
sensation of treading water, or strangely enough, air, lasted for two seconds before she found herself wobbling on a hard surface. Disoriented, her eyes flew shut and she slipped down, and her hands spread open upon a smooth, cold floor.
    Well, at least she wasn’t dead. The Reestrians hadn’t directed their green laser zapper at her. But she wasn’t on the ground outside running for the forest anymore. Fear clutched her heart and a chill spread through her. She knew she’d been taken aboard a Reestrian warship, but the courage to open her eyes and confirm the truth fled. If she kept her eyes closed and stayed on the floor, maybe she would wake up in her bed and discover this entire day had been a dream, from her drive to Rahatha to the aerial battle to her capture.
    The road blocks were there for a reason. The inhabitants of Rahatha didn’t want visitors bothering them, and though she hadn’t breached the walls, she had still technically trespassed on Reestrian land.
    Her stomach flipped. What would they do to her? Would they turn her over to American authorities, or would they mete out justice themselves? She hoped it was the former, because while she knew a lot about Reestrians, she didn’t know a thing about their judicial system.
    Footsteps echoed all around her, and she finally forced her eyes open.
    She gasped.
    Three large Reestrian males hovered over her, all wearing black uniforms. She realized with a startled cry that these weren’t any ordinary Reestrians. These men were Warrior Reestrians from the Giamot Clan. She’d read about them in Dr. Walter’s book, and her fear intensified tenfold.
    Warrior Reestrians protected their kind, but they also lived by their own rules. While Reestrian males from other clans usually didn’t take a female against her will, those from the Giamot Clan thought nothing of stealing a mate. In fact, they sometimes made a sport of it, risking their lives to steal the most attractive females, even those from other clans.
    She suspected they didn’t deal kindly with trespassers either.
    “Human female,” the tallest Reestrian boomed, his gaze one of stark interest. “What brings you to Rahatha?”
    Her whole body broke into a tremble. She tried to answer his question, but fear stole her voice.
    The other two males grunted and left the room. Tearing her eyes from the Reestrian still standing over her, she glanced around and saw nothing but gray walls illuminated in soft, yellow light. Beneath her was a black circular platform. The room contained no furniture or control panels that she could see, and she feared this room might be intended as a prison cell.
    Her prison cell.
    The Reestrian gripped her upper arms and hauled her to her feet. She cried out and tried to escape his grasp, but his strength surpassed hers and she soon ceased her squirming.
    “I’m sorry I trespassed,” she finally said, her voice shaking as hard as her body.
    Her captor leaned down and began sniffing her.
    What the hell ? Was he seriously smelling her? She swallowed hard and blinked rapidly as tears gathered in her eyes. She had never been more terrified in her life.
    “You are unclaimed. That is good.”
    Unclaimed ?
    She peered at him with wide eyes as she slowly grasped his meaning. Fantasizing about being carried off by a Reestrian male at the height of his mating urge was one thing, but to actually experience it? She felt dwarfed by his size, panicked by his intense gaze, and wished to God she had run faster.
    His next words startled a gasp from her.
    “My brother will find you pleasing.”
    * ~ * ~ *
    Sekor paced his quarters and ran a hand through his hair. A glance out the small window beside his bed showed they hadn’t landed in Rahatha yet. He bristled and felt his fever surge hotter.
    His brother, Captain Heega, knew about his predicament. So why were they delaying their business on Earth and hovering outside the city walls? The sooner they landed and verified the safety of

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