Savage Alien: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Reestrian Mates Book 5)

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Book: Savage Alien: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Reestrian Mates Book 5) by Sue Lyndon, Sue Mercury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sue Lyndon, Sue Mercury
belong to a new race of aliens, while the gray ships that had appeared must belong to the Reestrians.
    Holy crap . She really needed to get back to her car. She would drive back to her apartment in Salem and gladly watch the rest of the battle on the news. She snorted. If the news covered it. She turned and ran at full speed until her side ached, then slowed and gazed over her shoulder just as the attacking aliens’ ships exploded into balls of green fire. Debris rained down upon the city.
    Whoa . Was the battle over already? Her desire to reach her car and drive away to certain safety warred with her desire to witness what would happen next.
    Thick swirls of smoke rose from the city. The fight had lasted all of five minutes, and it appeared the Reestrians were the victors. Maybe she didn’t need to rush back to her car, after all.
    She came to a complete stop and cursed her curiosity. Her friends told her she was silly for driving so far just to glimpse Rahatha’s walls, but her desire to see it with her own two eyes had prompted her to save up the gas money for the trip.
    Reestrians fascinated her. She never missed a news special about them, and after reading a book called The Wonderful World of Reestrians by the renowned expert on all things Reestrian, Dr. Leann Walters, Mia couldn’t stop thinking about them. How cool was it that aliens not only existed, but some of them lived on Earth too?
    Oh, and the three chapters in Dr. Walters’ book that had been devoted to Reestrian mating practices made her heart race every time she thought of them. She had those chapters bookmarked, and a few choice passages highlighted.
    Though Reestrians were more technologically advanced than humans, there was something deliciously primitive about them. The mating urge Reestrian males experienced sounded quite savage, and she couldn’t stop daydreaming about being swept away by a seven foot tall, muscular, well-endowed Reestrian at the height of his mating urge.
    She reached for her water bottle, unscrewed the cap, and took a long swig. Maybe she needed therapy. Was it unhealthy to spend so much time thinking about Reestrians? Sure, the males were super hunky. Sure, the males were loyal to their females due to some magical mating bond. But she was a regular human girl, and all the job applications she’d sent to various businesses in Rahatha hadn’t even gotten her a phone call. What chance did she have of meeting a Reestrian male? None, it appeared. She’d spent her birthday money getting a Reestrian language implant on the black market and all for nothing. Fat chance she would ever get to try it out.
    Where was her car? Had she been running in the wrong direction? A glance at Rahatha showed the friendly ships descending, and a second later they disappeared behind the walls. Except…not all of them landed inside the city.
    Her heart thumped a wild rhythm and her water bottle slipped from her hand, falling with a thud and splashing over her feet. A large gray ship rose above the walls, as if the pilot had changed his mind about where to land, and headed in her direction.
    Fuck, fuck, fuck.
    What if they thought she was the enemy too? She didn’t stand a chance against their advanced, otherworldly weaponry. Their green laser zappers had blown the other aliens’ ships to smithereens. If she didn’t hide soon, there would be nothing left of her but a charred spot in the grass.
    Tossing off her backpack, she hightailed it for the tree line. A coopery taste invaded her mouth and the ache in her side sharpened. Gasping for air, she ran as fast as she could. She ran for her life. Panic swelled, making it more difficult to take in breaths.
    The leaves on the trees ahead of her stirred, and then she felt the wind rushing over her and saw the grass and shrubbery along her path rippling with movement. A massive shadow fell over her. She screamed, and suddenly she wasn’t running anymore.
    Her body tingled and her surroundings faded. The

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