Kiss of an Angel

Free Kiss of an Angel by Janelle Denison

Book: Kiss of an Angel by Janelle Denison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janelle Denison
Tags: Romance
my daughter Laura, my sister Debbie, and my two nieces, Brittany, who is eight, and Alisha, who just turned seven,” he added, pointing to the girls peeking at her curiously from his side.
    Caitlan accepted each of their greetings of hello with a smile. “It’s nice to meet all of you.”
    “You have pretty eyes,” Alisha said shyly, moving closer to her mother.
    “Thank you,” Caitlan replied softly, too aware of J.T.’s eyes on her.
    Brittany swept Caitlan with a head-to-toe inspection. “Were you with my uncle last night?”
    “Honey,” Debbie interrupted, trying not to grin at her young daughter’s impudence, “that’s not a polite question to ask.”
    Brittany frowned at her mother. “Why not?”
    “It’s okay,” Caitlan said before Debbie could dredge up an appropriate answer to appease her daughter’s innocent query. Addressing Brittany, she replied, “Yes, I was with your uncle last night, but only because he needed my help.”
    “Oh. Are you and my uncle getting married?” Brittany’s delicate features were etched with solemn seriousness. “Mom is always saying that Uncle J.T. needs a wife.”
    Caitlan glanced at J.T. and found him staring at his niece as if he couldn’t quite believe what he’d heard. Then he glanced at his sister, speculation glittering in the depths of those striking eyes. Laura giggled, and Debbie looked decidedly uncomfortable.
    Brittany waited patiently for Caitlan’s response, childishly ignorant of the discomfort she’d cast among the adults. “Uh, no, we’re not getting married. We’re just friends,” she told the little girl.
    J.T. cleared his throat and lifted an inquiring brow at Debbie.
    “What?” she said defensively, an embarrassed flush sweeping across her cheeks. “I only mentioned it once or twice to Kirk in casual conversation. You know how the girls repeat everything they hear.”
    J.T. gave her a pointed look, but an amiable smile teased his mouth. “Then watch what you say,” he said, his tone a gentle rebuke.
    “Oh, Dad, it’s not a big deal,” Laura cut in, slipping her arm through his. “I’m just so glad you’re home. I missed you last night.” She glanced at Caitlan with sly smile, then looked back at her father. Standing on tiptoe, she whispered into his ear, loud enough for everyone to hear, “But I understand why you stayed out, and I want to let you know that I don’t mind at all. Next time, just make sure you let us know so we don’t worry.”
    J.T.’s groan of defeat rolled into a deserving chuckle. Shaking his head, he looked at Debbie. “What happened to that angelic little girl of mine?”
    “I grew up,” Laura replied with a self-important smile.
    “It does happen,” Debbie agreed with a sigh, then offered Caitlan a friendly smile. “You two must be exhausted and hungry. Why don’t we go on up to the house where it’s warm?”
    “Uncle Kirk said you saved my father’s life. I want to hear about it,” Laura said eagerly, eyes shining.
    Caitlan didn’t have to see J.T.’s warning look to know he wanted her to tell his family the story he’d fabricated. As they followed the paved walkway to the house, she relayed the same story J.T. had told Kirk and Frank, with J.T. adding in the “accident” that had happened before she’d found him. Debbie and Laura expressed their gratitude that J.T. had been so fortunate, and his life had been spared.
    The group clamored into the entryway of the ranch house. A cozy warmth greeted them, mingled with the thick, fragrant smell of spicy chili, heavy yeast, and a sweeter scent of pastries.
    “God, that smells good,” J.T. said, shrugging out of his jacket. Hanging it in the coat closet, he helped Caitlan out of hers and added it to the rest.
    “Paula’s been so nervous since they started searching for you this morning that she’s been cooking all your favorites,” Debbie told him.
    J.T. grinned, the skin around his eyes crinkling with humor. “I was hoping she

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