Trail of the Wolf

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Book: Trail of the Wolf by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
neck and draws a crimson line across the skin: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.
    To continue, turn to 56 .

    You use your Kai powers of Assimilance to contort your features so that your face takes on the hard and brutal countenance of a Drakkarim warrior. Then you pull up the hood of your cloak and cover the Kai insignia that adorns its clasp. Boldly you stride towards the two bandits and they take a few uneasy steps backwards, fearing that you could be about to attack them.
    ‘Move that whining cur!’ you bark, cocking your thumb at their whimpering wolfhound. ‘Or I'll report you both to Xaol, you incompetent dolts!’
    Your bold and convincing threat unnerves the two bandits, and they plead with you not to say anything to their master. Cringingly they apologize for their hound's behaviour and promptly they drag him away. ‘Bah! Stupid fools!’ you growl, as you watch them enter the tunnel that leads to the exterior platform. Then as soon as they disappear from view, you turn and hurry around the gallery to the staircase opposite.
    A short flight of iron steps ascends to a long, low-ceilinged hall. Its plastered walls are decorated with frescoes that depict enslaved humans, bedecked with chains and heads bowed in defeat, parading in a line before a triumphant group of Drakkarim warlords. At the far end of this hall you discover three identical doors recessed into the wall.
    If you possess Telegnosis, turn to 107 .
    If you do not, turn to 174 .

    You sprint across the narrow bridge and leap over the wide gap with ease. As your feet touch down on the opposite side, you continue your run and quickly you reach the safety of the citadel platform. Here you pause for a few moments to catch your breath and check that the coast is clear before entering the central stronghold of Gazad Helkona.
    Turn to 200 .

    As the Xaghash tumble to the ground, felled by your deadly blows, you stagger away from their bodies and wipe the foul blood that has spattered your face and tunic. The light in the chamber is brighter now, and you are able to see the outline of a second doorway in the far wall. Silently it slides open as you approach, and beyond you can see a dark tunnel. Inside the entrance to this gloomy passage you discover a niche in the wall. It contains a small crystal decanter of green fluid, festooned with cobwebs. Cautiously you pull its stopper to sniff the contents, and you are pleasantly surprised to discover that it contains a tincture of Laumspur. It is old and stale, but it still possesses some of its healing powers. (This Decanter contains the equivalent of two doses of Laumspur. Each dose will restore 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed after combat. If you wish to keep the Decanter, it will occupy only one space in your Backpack.)
    To continue, turn to 11 .

    You unsheathe your Kai Weapon and brace yourself to meet the Kraan's attack. Cawing with hungry rage, the loathsome creature swoops down and hurls itself upon you in a desperate, vengeful attack.
    Illustration IX —The loathsome Kraan swoops down in a desperate, vengeful attack.
    Helkona Kraan: COMBAT SKILL  35    ENDURANCE  40
    If you win this combat, turn to 157 .

    As you trudge along the rutted trail, you become aware that the night sky is beginning to brighten. Somewhere high above the perpetual blanket of cloud that engulfs this hateful territory, day is breaking. At length, the trail arrives at a junction where another broad track joins it from the west. There are no signposts to mark the way, but your Kai sense of direction steers you towards the east where a long slope ascends to a treeless ridge. When you come to the crest of this ridge and look beyond, you catch your first glimpse of the imposing walls of Gazad Helkona.
    The broad-based fortress squats in a basin of rock at the centre of the petrified forest. Its coal-black walls are cracked and crumbling like some fossilized relic that is riddled with decay. Within its curtain wall, with

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