Trail of the Wolf

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Book: Trail of the Wolf by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
its decrepit watchtowers and great iron gate, there are scores of minarets and needle-spires that seem to scratch malevolently at the passing clouds. You magnify your vision and you see that the emblem of Darklord Chlanzor is still emblazoned upon the rust-red surface of the fortress gate. It resembles a great black spider perched upon the surface of a blazing sun. Chlanzor may no longer be the commander of this stronghold, but the legacy of his rule remains.

    You observe the fortress for several minutes and take in every detail of its foul design. The great gate is secure and well guarded, but you note two places where you may be able to effect an entry without being seen. The first is a breach to the west of the gate, where the wall has been undermined by a fissure of lava. The second is a great mound of rubble to the east of the gate, the remains of the upper storeys of a collapsed watchtower. By climbing the mound you could gain access to the fortress through an arrow slit.
    If you wish to enter Gazad Helkona by way of the breached wall, turn to 48 .
    If you decide to attempt an entry by scaling the mound of rubble at the base of the ruined watchtower, turn to 299 .

    Calling upon your knowledge of Old Kingdom magic, you clench your right hand and shout out the words of the spell Invisible Fist . Then you jab your fist towards the speeding orb and a knot of concussive energy leaps from your knuckles to strike the deadly device. The force of its impact splits the orb asunder and ignites the explosive fluid that it contains. The Kraan and its rider are caught by the ensuing blast and consumed in a roaring ball of flame. With grim satisfaction you watch as they spiral down into an avenue that is crowded with Hammerland bandits, enticed from their barracks by the spectacle of your dramatic air escape.

    Turn to 50 .

    You use your advanced healing skills to help Lone Wolf regain consciousness. He opens his eyes and a faint smile creases his gaunt features when he sees your face looming before him.
    ‘So I'm still alive,’ he says, with a tone of gentle surprise. ‘Naar will be disappointed.’
    He raises his arm and you take hold of it and help him rise unsteadily to his feet. He surveys the devastated observatory and you sense that his agile mind is scrutinizing every detail. He reaches for his scabbard and breathes a heavy sigh of relief when his hand closes around the hilt of the Sommerswerd.
    ‘I trust my blade found its mark?’ he asks.
    ‘Aye, my lord,’ you reply. ‘Your timely action consigned Zorkaan to oblivion, and saved my life. For that I will be forever in your debt.’
    ‘And I in yours, Grand Master,’ he replies, earnestly. ‘I sense that I would not be drawing breath now if it were not for your bravery.’
    Hurriedly you inform your leader that Guildmaster Banedon and his flying ship are presently hidden in the Shezar Hills, awaiting his telepathic signal. Silently he acknowledges your words with a nod of his blond head, and then he closes his eyes. You sense rapid bursts of powerful psychic energy surging away from Lone Wolf and, moments later, he reopens his eyes and smiles.
    ‘It is done,’ he says, confidently. ‘Banedon will be here shortly. Come, we must prepare for his arrival.’
    To continue, turn to 110 .

    You speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell Levitation and feel yourself rising up from the edge of the fiery fissure. You ascend through the billowing clouds of dust until you draw level with the top of the perimeter wall. Then you cancel the spell and leap down onto the broken battlements that lead to a gatehouse tower. Through the murky air you glimpse an arched doorway in the tower wall and you hurry towards it. This door is unlocked and you are able to descend to ground level by way of a spiral staircase. As you reach the foot of these stone steps, you are confronted by two Drakkarim who come striding into the tower through an open arch. With grunts of shocked

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