The Orphan Wars (Book One)

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Book: The Orphan Wars (Book One) by Shane Rowling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shane Rowling
shouted Nemeth.
    "There is a strong possibility that this building is empty," replied Jaida.  "However, the Spiro Crystal will make us be perfectly safe from Terazhul, Vulpes and any other harm while we're in here."
    "Terazhul?" questioned Nemeth with great curiosity.   "Vulpes?  Are we speaking the same language here?"
    "Master Nemeth, allow me to explain," replied Jaida.  "Terazhul is the name of the devious troll that was causing all of the chaos back at Serend Lake.  Vulpes is the name of the giant wolf that Terazhul rides on.  Now where exactly is your room?  We need to head there at once."
    "I'm on the second floor in room 201," said Nemeth.  "The staircase leading upwards is just right over there in the corner."
    "Well then let's head upstairs so I can answer some more of your questions," replied Jaida.  "Let's get you prepared for what's to come."
    Nemeth and Jaida made their way upstairs to the second floor.  Nemeth opened the door to his dorm room and walked in.  He removed his diploma from his pocket and placed it into one of the drawers in his desk.  He then flopped onto his bed.
    "What exactly do you think you are doing Nemeth?" asked Jaida.
    "Listen…" sighed Nemeth.  "I've had a long day today and I just want to go to sleep to escape this nightmare.   Is that too much to ask?  You said we're safe inside here anyhow!"
    "Master, I am shocked at your selfishness!" bellowed Jaida.
    "Who the hell do you think you are calling me selfish like that?" asked Nemeth angrily.  "That's no way to speak to someone who you were just calling MASTER a few minutes ago."
    "You must listen to me!" cried Jaida.
    "No, you don't tell me what to do !" yelled Nemeth.  "You have no idea what I've been through in my life.  I've wanted to escape from this academy for quite some time now.  All I've been thinking about all day is figuring out whether or not I should try and escape today or wait a little bit longer.  I'm not going to work as a slave protecting some wealthy prince.  I'm not going to be a slave to this academy either.  You're not even human so I wouldn't expect you to understand how I feel.  Maybe Terazhul coming here and causing all of this trouble is actually a blessing.  I can finally get out of here and search for my real family."
    " Do you mean to tell me that you are not concerned for your fellow classmates?" asked Jaida.  "Do you not realize that Terazhul's Forestial Corruption spell is spreading all across the academy and soon will stretch outward into other lands?  You cannot sleep this problem away and you certainly cannot depend on others to handle Terazhul."
    "Actually that's where you're wrong," said Nemeth.  "The rest of the students and professors will be returning from their vacations in a day or two .  Most of them have way more experience and power than anyone who is here now.  They'll figure out a way to get the academy back up and running.  Meanwhile, I'll be on a quest to find my real family."
    "You still do not understand the severity of the situation master," replied Jaida.  "You won't have to worry about the academy because it will be destroyed.   You'll be free of any forced commitments to any prince of any kingdom because their kingdoms will all have fallen.  Your quest for your family will be cut short because they will be affected by Terazhul's actions as well.  Unless you have the ability to live without any food or clean water, you'll be dead too."
    Nemeth began to cry loudly.  He took his pillow and placed his over his head and started to tremble.
    "You don't know the horrible way most of the people at this academy treat me!" cried Nemeth.  "If there is one thing I've realized, it's that you cannot fight the whole world by yourself.  I don't want these responsibilities.  I only care about a few of the people that were at the lake anyhow and Terazhul has likely killed them by now."
    "So there are still people out there that you ca re about!" exclaimed Jaida. 

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