The Idiot

Free The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Book: The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fyodor Dostoyevsky
job in the office, not a very demanding one, but it will require accuracy. Now, sir, as regards the rest; at the house, in the household of Gavrila Ardalionych Ivolgin, that is, this same young friend of mine to whom I should like to introduce you, his mother and sister have prepared two or three furnished rooms in their apartments, which they rent out to highly recommended tenants, with meals and a maid. I am sure that Nina Alexandrovna will accept my recommendation. And for you, Prince, this will be more than precious, above all because you won’t be alone, but, so to speak, in the bosom of a family, for in my view it is out of the question for you to find yourself alone on your first steps in a capital city such as St Petersburg. Nina Alexandrovna, the mother, and Varvara Ardalionovna, Gavrila Ardalionych’s sister, are ladies for whom I have the greatest respect. Nina Alexandrovna is the wife of Ardalion Alexandrovich, a retired general, a former comrade of mine from my early army days, but with whom, because of certain circumstances, I have severed relations: which does not, however, prevent me from respecting him in my own way. I am explaining all this to you, Prince, so that you realize that I am, so to speak, recommending you personally, and consequently, as it were, taking responsibility for you. The rent is extremely modest, and I hope that your salary will soon be quite sufficient for it. To be sure, a man also needs pocket money, even if just a little, but please don’t be angry, Prince, if I observe to you that you would do better to avoid pocket money, and indeed any kind of money, in your pocket. I say this after having taken a look at you. But since at present your purse is absolutely empty, then, as a beginning, permit me to offer you these twenty-five roubles. We’ll settle up later on, of course, and if you’re the sincere and straightforward man you seem to be from the way you talk, there can be no problems between us there. As for my taking such an interest in you, I actually have a certain purpose in your regard; you will learn about it subsequently. You see, I’m being perfectly open with you; Ganya, I hope you have nothing against the prince being lodged in your apartment?’

    ‘Oh, on the contrary! And mother will be very pleased too ...’ Ganya confirmed politely and courteously.
    ‘After all, I think you only have one other room occupied. It’s that, what’s his name, Ferd ... Fer ...’
    ‘Ah yes; I don’t like him, that Ferdyshchenko of yours; he’s some sort of lewd buffoon. And I don’t understand why Nastasya Filippovna encourages him, either. Is he really a relative of hers?’
    ‘Oh no, that’s all a joke! He doesn’t even come close to being a relative.’
    ‘Well, the devil take him! So, then, how do you like it, Prince, are you pleased or not?’
    ‘Thank you, General, you’ve treated me in the most kindly fashion, all the more so as I did not even ask; I say it not from pride, but I really didn’t know where I was going to lay my head. It’s true that Rogozhin invited me a while back.’
    ‘Rogozhin? Ah, no; I would give you my fatherly, or, if you prefer, friendly advice to forget about Mr Rogozhin. And on the whole I’d counsel you to stick to the family you are about to enter.’
    ‘As you’re being so kind,’ the prince began, ‘I do have one item of business. I’ve received notification ...’
    ‘Now, excuse me,’ the general interrupted, ‘I can spare not a moment more. I’ll tell Lizaveta Prokofyevna about you directly: if she is willing to receive you right now (I shall try to introduce you on that pretext), I advise you to take the opportunity to see that she takes a liking to you, for Lizaveta Prokofyevna could be very useful to you; after all, you share her family name. If she is not willing, then please forgive me, some other time. And you, Ganya, take a look at these accounts, Fedoseyev and I were struggling with them

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