Chasing Victory (The Winters Sisters)
equipment,” Dave said.
    “And how do you know what I am working on now? It is also classified,” Victory said.
    “I realize that I am taking time out of your vacation.” Dave said, ignoring her previous question. “I think I can show you something that would change your mind, something truly astonishing that will answer all of your questions. Please remember that what I want to show you is highly classified. Biotec has a satellite lab right across the river from here. I came over to meet you on one of the company’s boats. I thought I would take you over to the lab and give you a short tour. Part of Jeffery’s research is contained there so it would give you an idea of what you would be working on. In the end if you still chose not to work for us, you must tell no one about what you saw. Would you like to take a short walk with me?”
    She hesitated briefly, thought about the taser that she had placed in her purse after Lisa Evans was found dead, then responded, “Let’s go.” She grabbed her purse and headed for the door without a second thought. Victory was bound and determined to find out what got Jeffery killed. Besides what could happen? It was in the middle of the afternoon they were in Old Town Sacramento, and it was full of people.
    “Great. I need to make a quick call, I’ll meet you outside.”
    “I need to make a call too. My sister is expecting me back in less than an hour. I don’t want her to worry.” Victory walked past him and went out the door.
    She turned and walked away to call Payton as Dave came out of the shop. A man in a hat and dark glasses bumped into Dave. For a split second she had a sensation that she knew the man. The impression passed quickly when Payton answered the phone, Victory’s attention being refocused on her sister.
    “Hello, Victory are you okay?” Payton asked.
    “Yes, I’m fine. I might be later than I thought.”
    “So things must be going according to your plan.”
    “Dave is giving me a tour of their satellite lab which is right across the river,” Victory said.
    “I don’t really think that is a good idea,” Payton replied concern flooding her voice.
    “Yes, okay, I’ll see you in a few hours, bye.” Victory snapped her phone shut before Payton had a chance to argue with her. She looked over at Dave. “My sister is planning on me being home for dinner, so she doesn’t want me to be too late.”
    “No problem. We should have you back in plenty of time, this way.” Dave gestured down the docks towards the moored boats.
    Tristan saw Victory walk out of the coffee shop alone and let out a breath that he was unaware he was even holding. He was surprised that she was done with the meeting so soon. It must not have gone well. Then Dave walked out the door and the two started down the sidewalk together. He still hadn’t seen Max or Jerry so he was going to have to stay out of sight. Waiting until Victory and Dave passed the first block he walked out of the bookstore and started after them.
    “It only takes about ten minutes to cross the river and the lab sits on the river bank. I promise you, you won’t be sorry. There are some pretty exciting things being done there.” Dave said.
    What harm was there in taking a peek at the lab? Besides, she still wanted to get more information about Jeffery and getting into one of his labs was probably a one-time deal.
    They walked together down the pier to one of the slips where a small motorboat was tied up. Dave stepped onto the boat and held his hand out to Victory, she reached out for his hand and stepped into the boat. He untied the boat and pushed away from the pier, started the engine, and headed away from the shore.
    Dave slowed the boat. “Did you hear that?” he asked.
    “Hear what?” Victory asked. She was sitting on one of the bench seats.
    “I heard a sputter, or a pop, I couldn’t tell for sure. I had a little problem with this boat on the way over to meet you. I think it’s time for an engine

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