Deadly Race

Free Deadly Race by Margaret Daley

Book: Deadly Race by Margaret Daley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Daley
…” She tried to stand, but her legs were shaky and she felt dizzy from the dull throb in her head. She instantly sank back down and stared, with what she hoped was helplessness, not longing, at Slade. The combination of everything that had happened to her in the past few days and the mind shattering look that he was sending her was just too much. She wasn’t going to win this battle. She didn’t want to have a casual affair with anyone, and with Slade she got the strong sense that was all he would offer.
    “Don’t rush yourself, Ellie. A lot’s happened. We’ll sit here for a while and still have a few hours of walking before nightfall.”
    Against her better judgment she found her gaze straying to him and taking in his rugged features, carved with strength in mind. She had to think of something safe to talk about before her hand wandered to his face to explore its planes, much as he had hers. All her firm resolutions would be for nothing.
    “How did you break your nose?” she asked, hoping the question covered the fact that she had been staring at him way too long.
    “Nothing heroic. I walked into a door.”
    “You’re kidding!”
    “I wish I was. When I was eleven, I got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and didn’t turn on the light. I forgot I had closed my door and walked right into it. I never forgot after that. I only make a mistake once.”
    The vehement way he had spoken the last statement made Ellie realize he wasn’t referring to walking into doors. Her natural curiosity bubbled to the surface. “What kind of mistakes have you made?”
    His expression went blank. “The usual.”
    Normally Ellie would have pursued the question, but she knew when someone was totally closed off from her and that impression radiated from Slade. “Well, if I were you, I wouldn’t tell people how you got the broken nose. It gives you an air of mystery. Let them think you got it by defending a lady’s honor in a fight.”
    “Ah, you must be a romantic at heart.”
    “In my heart, soul and mind. Romance is what makes life worth living.” She didn’t tell him that most of her experience with it came from reading books.
    “Then why aren’t you married?”
    Ellie laughed. “Romance and marriage aren’t the same thing. In fact, usually after a woman gets married there’s very little romance left.”
    “Romance is a two way street. The woman should give as much as the man is supposed to. How often do you hear of a woman sending a man flowers?” He didn’t give her time to answer but continued, “I bet you never have.”
    “Does it count that I sent my uncle flowers when he was in the hospital for a knee replacement operation?”
    “Then you’re right. I haven’t.”
    “You see. The woman expects to be romanced but doesn’t do her fair share.”
    “Duly noted.” She inclined her head. “But I have a feeling there are women who have. I just don’t know them.”
    “Do you feel up to walking now?”
    “I think so. There’s only one way to find out.”
    Slade rose, towering over her. She looked up the long columns of his legs, past his narrow hips and waist to his broad chest, before her gaze finally came to rest on the firm outline of his full lips. She could go no farther. Her throat went dry, her face was covered in a thin layer of perspiration. She couldn’t honestly blame it on the climate.
    The corners of his mouth quirked upward in a half smile while he held his hand out for her to take. She fit hers within his as though she were in a hypnotic trance. With one tug he had her on her feet and flattened against him. She grasped onto his arms to steady herself and lifted her face so she could stare into those piercing, jade green eyes.
    “I realize this won’t be easy for you, Ellie. Our accommodations will be about as primitive as they come, which I’m sure you’ve never had the pleasure of experiencing.”
    “No, I can’t say that I’ve stayed in a jungle

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