The Bears Shared Bride: A Paranormal Menage Romance

Free The Bears Shared Bride: A Paranormal Menage Romance by Amy Star

Book: The Bears Shared Bride: A Paranormal Menage Romance by Amy Star Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Star
concern lay. As the group in the library prepared to disband, Thearon let the brass cover fall back over the hole. However, as he stood up, he tripped on a fallen hanger and banged hard against the wall to the office. He froze, as did the group next door, he guessed judging by the sudden silence. When harsh whispers resumed next door, he knew he was in trouble.

    Lavinia had been quietly moving into the office when she’d heard a loud thud emanate from an open door in the back of the room. Without thinking, Lavinia dropped her heels and ran to the space. Inside, she found Thearon rubbing his elbow with a look that suggested a mixture of annoyance and terror.
    “What the hell? What are you doing here?” Thearon whispered sharply.
    “Saving your ass,” Lavinia replied, pulling on the lapels of Thearon’s suit.
    She encountered a little resistance as she pulled him out of the closet and toward her, but when her lips landed on his, he seemed to get the idea. Lavinia took his hand and placed it on her ass and Thearon took it a step further using the position to pull her flush against him. Lavinia thought that the hardness pressing into her stomach was a little excessive for the ruse, but would make it that much more believable if they were forced apart.
    Thearon threaded his other hand across her back and used the bear hug to turn her and gently bang her against the wall.
    “We need more noise,” Thearon said to her lips and Lavinia let out a moan. Thearon’s face drew back and Lavinia noted a raised eyebrow, “A realistic noise, please.”
    “That was re-” Lavinia lost her voice as Thearon drew up one leg and hooked it over his hip, bringing all the necessary parts into alignment. Lavinia let out a low breathy noise that Thearon marked with approval. He was in the middle of one good grind when the door to the office banged against the wall. Thearon held Lavinia in place, but swung his face away from her, toward the intruders.
    “Get out,” he growled, low in his chest.
    The Werebeasts didn’t react as quickly as Thearon would have expected. Surely, they thought they would find a spy with a water glass to the wall, not two lovers in a passionate embrace. So why weren’t they moving out of the room completely embarrassed? One of the Werebears stepped forward as if he was going to say something more, but the Werelion held him back. Thearon wasn’t sure if they saw through the charade or not. There was a tense pause before the Werelion spoke, “Our apologies.”
    The Werelion inclined his head slightly, but the look in his eyes spoke of defiance and none of the Werebeasts moved a muscle to retreat. Thearon stepped away from Lavinia and allowed his mated bear instincts take over. His hands began to morph into large paws with claws. Even with his body mostly in human form, the change could do a great deal of damage.
    “Do we have a problem here? This office is otherwise occupied.”
    “Perhaps you should have shut the door, then,” The Werelion responded coolly, claws beginning to appear on his own hands.
    “Doesn’t common decency require you to leave when you see two people involved as we were?” The low growl that Thearon’s voice had become worried Lavinia. They did not need to escalate to their animal forms in this situation. There would be no way to control the fallout from that situation.
    Taking a hold of Thearon’s arm, Lavinia could feel that the appendage was quickly turning into more bear than human. Lavinia stepped forward to do some damage control.
    “It was most likely my fault. My husband and I are newly married and all the sweet tea got to me. I thought it would be fun to sneak away for a bit but I can obviously see that was a bad idea. Clearly, you have never enjoyed a stolen moment with a lover or you would not be so harsh with my husband.”
    Thearon was impressed with Lavinia’s tone; it simply oozed disdain, , somehow making their

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