Herald of Death

Free Herald of Death by Kate Kingsbury

Book: Herald of Death by Kate Kingsbury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Kingsbury
massive shoulders, but he wasn’t fat like some of the rich dandies who visited the Pennyfoot.
    There weren’t many men she had to lift her chin to look in the face. She liked that about Clive. He made her feel protected. Her and her children.
    She knew that if any of them were in danger, Clive would be the first one to save them. He’d been there for all of them more than once, and she would always be grateful for that.
    Remembering Pansy’s words, she felt a stirring of guilt. What if Clive wanted more than gratitude? What if he thought she had those sorts of feelings for him? How could she let him down without hurting him?
    She’d married once before to have security for her kids. It wasn’t an unhappy marriage, but Ross McBride had been a lot older than she, and they hadn’t had much in common. She hadn’t loved him the way she’d loved Dan.
    But then, Dan had hurt her. Badly. When she’d told him she couldn’t go to London with him, she’d nursed a faint hope that he wouldn’t be able to leave her. She’d been wrong.
    She’d been hurt too many times, and she wasn’t getting involved with any man again unless she could truly love him and know, without a shadow of a doubt, that he loved her back.
    “Why the frown?” Clive tilted her head back with a finger under her chin. “You look so pretty when you smile.”
    Gertie’s grin spread all over her face. That was what she liked best about Clive. He knew how to lift her spirits when she was down. “The twins are looking forward to the sleigh ride,” she said, as he dropped his hand. “So am I.”
    “Me, too. Tomorrow afternoon, two o’clock. Let’s hope it stops snowing by then.”
    “I thought sleighs were made for riding in the snow.”
    “They are. It’s the horse that has trouble with it.”
    “You’ll be able to manage it.”
    He looked down at her, his dark eyes twinkling. “Nice to know you have such faith in me.”
    Something in his gaze unsettled her and she looked away, mumbling, “You’re good at everything you do.”
    “Not everything.”
    He stepped back to let her pass, and she hurried by him, wondering what he meant by that. He often said things that intrigued her.
    Not for the first time she wondered about his past. She knew so little about him. He’d told her he’d been married, but she didn’t know what had happened to his wife, or if he had children, or why someone who seemed so clever would want to be a maintenance man at a seaside hotel.
    Clive was a mystery, and the longer she knew him, the more she wanted to know about him. Tomorrow, she told herself. Tomorrow she’d try to find out about his past.
    Feeling surprisingly excited at the prospect, she ran down the steps to the kitchen.

    Madeline arrived the next morning, prepared to start work on the decorating. It took two footmen to unload her carriage, carrying huge baskets of greenery and flowers, boxes of ribbons and garlands, and tubs filled with colored glass balls and a variety of ornaments for the tree.
    Cecily met her in the lobby, disappointed that Angelina wasn’t with her.
    “I left her at home with the nanny,” Madeline explained, floating across the carpet in her bare feet. She’d kicked off her boots the moment she’d stepped through the door. Her simple frock of pale green cotton, dotted with white daises, looked more suitable for summertime instead of the bitter cold outside.
    Then again, Madeline defied convention in every possible way. She wore her long, black hair down her back instead of pinned up on her head, she wore no stockings or gloves, and the closest she ever came to a hat was a colorful scarf tied under her chin.
    She was both loved and feared in the village. Her remedies, concocted from various herbs and wildflowers, cured everything from a cold to pneumonia, and more than one man had benefited from her “passion” potions.
    There were those, however, who questioned her powers, convinced she was a witch. Even Cecily,

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