Love of Her Life

Free Love of Her Life by C.Y. Dillon

Book: Love of Her Life by C.Y. Dillon Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.Y. Dillon
    FADE IN:
    A red paddle wheel churns up muddy water.  Jazz from the Delta Queen Mississippi River boat refines the air. 
    The hope of Jazz and the paddle are ever present. 
    HARMONIA and MIKE sit apart on a bed.  They're grownups.  He's obviously younger.  She's dressed to mesmerize the way an earth goddess does it.  He's got that stunning-leading-man look working for him. 
    They stare at the cabin wall.  A small window with a river view is visible behind them. 
    This is lovely. 
    I like this song. 
    I could be a god in this bed.  You
    could pretend you're not terribly
    I could? 
    This could be a great week. 
    Great.  Sex with someone I don't
    He reaches over.  She avoids his touch and walks out the door. 
    He wouldn't have sent me if he didn't
    believe I could--
    The door closes.  Mike sits alone, facing the closed door. 
    --be your soul mate. 
    Harmonia stares at dirty water.  The paddle churns up a used disposable diaper. 
    The deck is crowded.  ERIC (21) pushes his way through and stops next to Harmonia.  He's got that tough-boy-band look working for him. 
    We paid too much for this. 
    He flashes a smile at Harmonia. 
    Vintage Americana.  Priceless. 
    He offers his hand. 
    I'm Eric. 
    Don't react.  My name is Harmonia. 
    She gives him a polite handshake.  He holds longer than he should.  She pulls free. 
    How could I not be curious?
    My parents had an unnatural obsession
    with all things Greek. 
    What about you? 
    She contemplates the polluted river. 
    My obsession? 
    She strolls away, shaking her head. 
    It's all bull shit.  And it's--
    Eric pushes through people to keep up with her. 
    --It's bad for you.  George Carlin
    always nailed it. 
    Harmonia gives him a tiny smile, though she continues to get away from Eric. 
    Carlin was brilliant. 
    I saw him live in Vegas. 
    She stops, does an abrupt turnabout, and throws ice water at him with her eyes. 
    Did he send you?  Damn it, Ri.  This
    It was my idea.  I came on my own. 
    I had to see if--
    She huffs and hurries away. 
    No way. 
    He pursues her. 
    --maybe you'd--
    This cannot be my life. 
    I feel like I know you.  He talks
    about you every day. 
    She covers her face with both hands and keeps walking. 
    He talks about me.  Great. 
    She stops at the end of the boat.  Her knuckles turn white as she grips the rail.  Her eyes fix on the swarthy woods lining the river. 
    She contemplates the murky river between her and the woods. 
    I told him he should come.  Either
    way, you'd be disappointed.  He might
    as well--
    --get some action?
    Eric shuts up and uses the brain in his skull for a moment. 
    He should meet you in person at least
    once.  This would have made a very
    nice first date I think. 
    You think? 
    I think you'd like the real Orion. 
    I already like him too much. 
    But you don't even know the real
    She eyes him with suspicion. 
    Eric follows Harmonia in.  She sits at the bar.  He sits
    next to her without asking. 
    It's not so bad.  You're the
    adventurous type.  Go with it. 
    She shakes her head.  The BARTENDER (looks old enough to be her

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