The Hunter's Apprentice

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Book: The Hunter's Apprentice by Mark Stentson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Stentson
at all. There were few places where they could shelter in these green plains. They usually stopped near the rare trees they saw and which sheltered them for a bit from the wind. However the wind was not the only problem; coldness was also one. Despite the clothes that Erasmus gave him, Aerys was beginning to feel the effects of the cold weather. He had never been in such cold regions and hence he find it a bit difficult to adjust. The hunter on the contrary did not seem to mind it that much. He was probably used to it. He did not even put his coat on and continued to drink occasionally as they walked on the road that led them further north.
    Aerys had more and more difficulty to follow the hunter and after two days he was trailing behind by a not negligible distance. The fact that the road went straight to the north meant that he could still see the hunter in front of him and the latter if he noticed it, did not lower his pace. The hunter finally stopped on the third day. He waited patiently for Aerys to catch up with him.
    -You took your bloody time lad, he said harshly as he left the road and headed towards the woods.
    Aerys had thought that he would be able to rest but it was definitely not the case. He followed the hunter gloomily as they walked away from the road.
    -Where are we going? He asked in a tired voice.
    -There’s a Zorg lair here, said the hunter darkly.
    Aerys stopped in his tracks stunned. His heartbeat increased exponentially and he felt the fear rising in him.
    -We are going to fight it now? He called at the hunter.
    -Keep your voice down, replied the latter angrily turning towards him.
    Aerys walked towards him but found that his knees were trembling uncontrollably.
    -Listen, said the hunter gravely. There is a Zorg’s lair in there and we are going in now.
    -Are you sure it’s the right time? asked Aerys unsure. I mean we just fought those imps and we are tired after this long walk.
    -There is no perfect time lad, replied the hunter. You must acquire your artifact and the sooner it is done, the better it will be.
    Aerys shuddered.
    -I’m not sure I am ready, he confessed.
    -No one is ready to face a Zorg. I was not and the old man too was not but it has to be done. There is no need to wait and waste time. Either you have what it takes to be a hunter or you don’t.
    Aerys nodded still unsure. The hunter turned and walked into the woods. Aerys followed him slowly. He felt numb. He wanted to turn and go away but his body was moving on its own. He wiped the sweat that pearled on his forehead and breathed hard. He knew he was not ready yet. After their encounter with the  imps and the Oozes which were supposed to be C type creatures, he could only wonder how strong the Zorg would be. If even creatures like imps could give a hunter like Drake so much difficulty, how strong would A class creatures be.
    After a while the hunter stopped and beckoned Aerys forward. Aerys followed his pointed finger and saw something he had never seen before. There was a blurry round excavation in the trunk of a gigantic tree.
    -What’s this…?, said Aerys trying to find a word for the entrance like shape.
    -A portal, explained the hunter letting his bag down. It’s the entrance to the Zorg’s lair. When we walk through it, we will be propelled far away in a random Zorg’s lair. If we are lucky we might find one which has not yet been defeated.
    -So, the Zorg’s lair is not here really.
    The hunter nodded.
    -It is a complex magic. This is just like a door. When you cross it, you can be transported in any Zorg’s lair that there is in the whole known world. Sometimes, you can be sent in an empty one which a hunter had already defeated and then you have to come out again and try again until you get lucky.
    Aerys could not see what there was lucky in finding a lair where a Zorg would be waiting but he kept that reflection for himself. He followed the hunter towards the entrance. It was blurry and the hunter grabbed his

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