Mark of the Beast

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Book: Mark of the Beast by Adolphus A. Anekwe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adolphus A. Anekwe
genes?” There was a curious look on the congressman’s face as he reached for his second sip of the drink.
    â€œNot real inheritance, per say, but people with criminal intent … I mean those individuals may be predestined to commit crimes, just like Joanne Stead, that Chicago woman who poisoned her kids, and that fellow in Atlanta,” Abramhoff explained.
    â€œNow that’s really interesting,” Roderick said, letting out a slight cough. “You mean that these individuals were predisposed to commit terrible crimes?”
    â€œActually … yes. What we are looking for is a way to develop a testing mechanism to determine who, therefore, is going to commit terrible crimes, just as there are now testing mechanisms to determine who will develop arthritis, diabetes, or breast cancer.” Abramhoff finally regained his composure. “Once that is done, who knows, we might invent a better cure for criminals.”
    â€œHow do you intend to develop this test?” Roderick asked.
    â€œThere are two areas we are focusing on. One is the DNA, which we clearly know is not yielding good results, but the other, an area known as the human leukocyte antigen, HLA for short, has taken on a whole new meaning and new research interest.”
    Abramhoff appeared more comfortable.
    â€œHuman leuko-what?” Roderick asked.
    â€œIn medicine we call it the HLA,” Abramhoff replied.
    â€œSo you think there is, or may be, a link between this … this…?” Roderick asked.
    â€œHLA,” Abramhoff assisted.
    â€œThis HLA and criminals,” the congressman said.
    â€œYes.” A look of excitement lit Abramhoff’s face as he perceived that Roderick was finally getting the picture. “And we intend to prove just that.”
    â€œWhat do you need from me?” the congressman asked as he finished his drink.
    â€œWe have requested federal help to start a pilot project at the Kankakee Federal Prison,” Abramhoff said. “I was just wondering,” continued Abramhoff, “if the state of Illinois can champion this project. If the research pans out, imagine the national attention it can garner and subsequent federal funds it will attract.”
    â€œCould you imagine what that would do for my career and for the state government?” Congressman Roderick said. “You’d be responsible for one of the greatest scientific, criminological breakthroughs of all time.
    â€œHow do you perform this test again?” Congressman Roderick asked.
    â€œWhat test?” Abramhoff asked.
    â€œThis HLA thing,” Roderick said. “Do you draw blood, shine a light in their eyes, urine test, or spit test?”
    â€œOh!” answered Abramhoff with a smile. “The project would involve identifying the hard-core and most twisted criminals, and start with them. We will draw their blood, isolate their leukocytes, identify the antigen areas, and using chromatography, map out their HLA.”
    â€œToo much technical detail for me,” the congressman said as he dropped five dollars in the glass tip collection bowl. “Bottom line is what?”
    â€œBlood is drawn to find an area or areas on the HLA that may be common to these criminals,” Abramhoff responded.
    â€œAnd if you’re successful?” Roderick asked.
    â€œMost likely develop a test for it,” Abramhoff said.
    â€œNow help me again,” Roderick said. “What would the test do?”
    â€œWell,” Abramhoff said, “with the testing, we can then identify individuals who are predisposed or predestined to become criminals.”
    â€œPeople who are predestined to become criminals…” Roderick reflected. “Do you realize the implications of this both nationally and internationally?”
    â€œI do fully realize the implications, sir,” Abramhoff said with a certain amount of authority.
    â€œOkay, I’ll see what I can do if

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