One Cup Of Flour Two Cups Of Murder (Winnona Peaks Mysteries Book 2)

Free One Cup Of Flour Two Cups Of Murder (Winnona Peaks Mysteries Book 2) by Emily Page

Book: One Cup Of Flour Two Cups Of Murder (Winnona Peaks Mysteries Book 2) by Emily Page Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Page
bad feeling. He was her teacher and he didn't care that she was missing and now Anna is missing, too.” Christy continued.
    Gregory asks, “What?” causing Christy to get in a fit.
    “Anna! Anna's missing. First, Lilly, now Anna. Alex is the only thing that links them together!” She exclaimed.
    Gregory tried to tell her to calm down. “Alex seems like a really unhappy person, but a kidnapper? And why would he kidnap someone he was living with?”
    “No! He’s the kidnapper!” Christy snapped.
    “And you know this how?” He asked.
    “Because I had a nightmare and he turned into this puppet and my friend is gone and he was spitting cookies all over me and―,” she ranted.
    Apparently, Vanessa wasn’t the only wild sister. Gregory never saw her this worked up before. He waved in surrender as she started to pick up a coffee cup to throw at his head.  He ushered her into the break room where he had a white board that normally told his barista’s the schedule and the goals for the day.  He erased a good portion of the motivational speech and gestured for Christy to have a seat.   At first he thought the white board was cheesy, but they used them at the precinct all the time to solve crimes so he fell into old habits when he opened his business.  It seemed to make sense with Christy ranting.  It’s what he knew how to do.
    “Maybe we should share some ideas first, and you know, think”. Gregory said. “Think about what you know. What are the facts?”
    Christy looked down. She let out a deep sigh.  “They were both supposed to be in a baking competition,” she began.
    “Yes―” Gregory turned and wrote “Competition” on a white board.
    “Well, Alexander said Anna drove off without him―but Lilly's car was still there.”
    Gregory answered, “Okay, so we know they were both last seen at the parking lot of the competition.” Gregory wrote down “parking lot” on the board.
    “No.” Christy said, “Anna would have driven up onto the actual fairgrounds. She did the first night. The bakers and judges have passes that allow them to get in at any time.”
    A woman's voice calls from the front of the store, “Can I get some service please?”
    Gregory said he would be right back. Turning to Christy, he told her to stay put. He helped the customer and came back, all the while Christy remembered Fiona's words— I didn't think you'd do so well without Lily and I'd do anything to win. She quickly told Gregory to write it down.
    “Now, let’s go see about Anna.” Christy suggested.
    Gregory answered, “That’s crazy.”
    She said, “I'm going with or without you.”
    “Nick, can you cover for me for a few minutes?”  Gregory asked the barista on duty.
    “Sure, boss.  Hope everything is okay.”
    “Me too.” Hanging up his apron, Gregory grabbed his jacket and keys and headed out to the street.  Christy was waiting there tapping her foot at his passenger side door.  Gregory tried to take is a bit slower to see if she would calm down on her own.  Even if Alexander did do it, it was crazy to take him on with Christy in this state.  Letting her in and going around to his side, he slid behind the wheel and started the engine, checking his mirror before he pulled onto Main Street.
    “So where are we headed?” He asked.
    “To Anna’s place. 8750 Maple Drive.  Take a left at the light.”  She said, stewing in silence for a few minutes.
    “Yeah, I remember Maple Drive.  I had a girl―.” Christy shot him a look. “I had a friend up there back in junior high.  Look, Christy, I know you are upset and scared for your friend, but even though Alex seems like a royal pain in the butt, I don’t really peg him for a kidnapper.”  Gregory tried another angle.  “So, let’s go over the list again. What do Lily and Anna have in common. What do we have?”
    “They were both supposed to

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