Hidden in the Stars (Falling Stars #2)

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Book: Hidden in the Stars (Falling Stars #2) by Sadie Grubor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sadie Grubor
her out the door. Christ. I've never been so aggressive in my pursuit, but I can't let her just walk away.
    Tossing back the last of my drink, I stand straight and turn. A petite, curly blonde exits the stage door and turns toward me. She stops. Her hair is shorter—just passed her shoulders, but the same color and curled. She takes a visible breath and begins walking in my direction.
    Pushing off the bar, I let her come to me. As much as I want to carry her out the front door to my waiting car, I need her to make this choice.
    She stops about four feet away from me, trying to keep distance between us.
    "Hey." She grabs the strap of her bag with both hands, nervously moving from her left to right foot.
    Closing the distance, I step into her personal space. She stiffens when I brush the curls off her left shoulder and cup the side of her neck, my thumb rubbing her jaw. I can feel her body start to melt into mine.
    "Yeah," she breathes.
    I want to make her completely melt. I want to devour her on the spot, but I show restraint.
    "Come on, snake charmer," I say, grabbing one hand away from the bag and pulling her behind me toward the exit.
    "What?" She stumbles at first, but quickly matches my stride.
    "Hmm?" I pull her through the door and toward the waiting car, trying to be quick. I don't want fans or cameras getting involved.
    "What did you call me?" She pulls her hand from mine as we reach the car.
    Sam stands with the door open. I turn, motioning for her to climb in.
    "It's just a nickname." Grabbing her arm, I urge her to get into the car.
    "But, why did you—”
    "If you don't want to be on the front of a gossip rag or website, I suggest you get in the car."
    She glances around, eyes wide, and then hurries inside the back of the car. I follow, my eyes on her perfect ass.
    Liza sits, looking out the window as the car pulls away from the curb. While she's distracted, I take in the off-stage version of my snake charmer. Instead of sky-high stilettos, she wears a thick-soled shoe in a skin color. In place of lingerie is skin tight cotton and denim. Where she's usually clad in only satin, silk, and lace, there's now cotton covering her skin. It's surprisingly enticing.
    Knowing the curves lying beneath these everyday materials, I'm eager to unwrap the gift of her heart-shaped ass and plump tits. I wonder if she's cotton underneath her ordinary girl clothes or if hints of the naughty snake charmer hide close to her skin.
    "Where are we going?" Her voice draws my attention from the curve where her ass meets her thigh.
    "To have breakfast." I shift closer.
    "But where?" Her brow slightly wrinkles.
    "I'm surprised it took you so long to ask." I deter from answering, not wanting to give her the opportunity back out.
    Slipping my arm over the back of the seat, I settle into the leather. My legs, as long as they are, relax to the side. Our thighs touch. She shifts, a fruitless attempt for space. I've made sure there isn't any.
    "Where are we going, Jackson?"
    The stern sound of my name coming out of her mouth sends a shot through my chest. Closing my eyes, I drop my head back, hoping she'll say it again if I ignore her.
    "Jackson?" she presses.
    I start to harden. Her voice is like a fucking spell on my dick.
    Rolling my head in her direction, I open my eyes.
    "I'm just guessing, but I think you would prefer not having cameras and reporters following our every move, right?"
    She nods.
    "Okay." Closing my eyes, I roll my head back. "I'm taking us to a place where I can control the exposure."
    "Oh," she whispers.
    Five minutes pass and she relaxes. Her thigh is no longer tense. Her head rests back in the seat.
    My fingers move of their own accord, wrapping curls around them. The action is soothing for some reason and when I caress Liza's scalp, she shivers. Lifting my head, I turn and watch, testing the action again. She tries to fight it, but a small shudder gives her away. Before I can further explore this reaction, the

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