Cadet 3
handles to ram himself as violently as possible down her throat.
When she did not react as he had expected by struggling or trying
to scream, he changed his tactics.
    “Havin’ a good time, are you?” he asked.
“Mebbe y’all will like this too.” He closed his thumb and finger
around her nostrils, cutting off her air.
    Evidently, he found the way she twisted her
body and kicked her free leg as she fought for her life to be
stimulating. As Jodie was about to lose her tenuous grip on
consciousness, he finished and pulled back with a sigh of
contentment. “Ah, that’s better!” he said.
    He squatted on the ground to study the
semiconscious woman. “That was fair to middlin’,” he told her. When
she did not respond, he slapped her face and pinched her cheeks
until she revived.
    “Now, s’spose you tell me what-all you city
folk was doin’ campin’ out here in the sticks?” he asked. “I kin
see from yer gear yer some kind a military, but this don’t look
like nuthin’ official. I would’n be su’prised if it turned out that
crowd a soldiers up at that fancy cabin had somethin’ to do with
you-all bein’ here. Mebbe they’re lookin’ for you, an mebbe you
don’t want ’em to find you.”
    Billy’s shrewd guesses were coming
uncomfortably close to the truth. Jodie was reluctant to tell the
sadistic hillbilly the truth, but she suspected that if she did not
do something, they were all going to be dead meat anyway. She
decided to try to enlist him on their side. As far as she could
tell, she had nothing to lose.
    She took a deep breath and started to talk.
“You’re right, Billy. My friends and I are in hiding. A group of
men, we don’t know exactly who they are, are attempting to
overthrow the government, and they’re after me because I am next in
line as the Chief of the General Staff. Maybe you heard of me. I am
Lieutenant General Jodie Lawrence. My friends and I are going to
beat these traitors, and when we do I am going to be running the
whole country. I won’t forget anybody who helped me when I was in
trouble. I can promise you that if you and your boys help us, I
won’t hold this little party against you. I’ll be grateful, and a
grateful CGS has the power to get you just about anything you could
ever want.” She paused expectantly.
    As he squatted, apparently considering her
offer, Jodie heard the muffled screams of her companions, as the
brutish hicks abused them. She could see Merry, her hands tied to
an overhead branch, twisting and dancing frantically as she
attempted to evade the flaming branch Mort was jabbing at her naked
    Steph had a noose around her neck and her
hands tied behind her back. She had been lifted off the ground by
one of the Carson brothers who thrusting at her, and she was
obliged to cling to him with her long legs wrapped around his waist
to avoid being asphyxiated. Behind her, a second brother was
grunting like a wild boar as he energetically rammed himself into
Steph’s back door, while the third looked on, waiting for his
    From where she hung, Jodie could not see what
Charlie was doing to Robin, for which she was moderately grateful.
The faint cries coming from the far side of the clearing told her
that her lover was at least still alive.
    “So you’re the one the whole country’s
looking for?” Billy said at last. He no longer spoke in a thick
countrified dialect as he had up to now, but sounded very much like
an educated, urban Easterner. “The radio says you’ve been kidnapped
as part of a plot to overthrow the government. There’s a million
dollar reward for information on your whereabouts.”
    He looked at the expression on her face, and
grinned. “You don’t think I talk with that cornpone accent all the
time, do you, General Lawrence? I’m not a real mountain man, like
the boys, although they think I’m from some ‘holler’ in West
Virginia. I came out here from Baltimore. I grew up in Wilmington,
Delaware, so you can see

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