Texas Stranger

Free Texas Stranger by Janet Muncy

Book: Texas Stranger by Janet Muncy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Muncy
and within a few minutes Mary knocked softly on her door.
    “Come in,” January said, putting the spoon back down on the tray and moving the tray to the night stand.
    “Hi, how are you feeling?” Mary said, strolling toward her and straightening the covers on her bed.
    “Better thank you. Tell me Mary, what were you and Carl doing at the club?”
    “Oh, we were out at the Ranch and BJ’s truck broke down so we went in town to pick him up when we drove by the club your car was still there. Carl was the one who wanted to stop. It was a good thing we did, or you would probably be dead by now. Carl pulled you right out, you were lucky. I can’t believe you went in there again after what happened just a few short weeks ago.”
    “Please do me a favor no lectures, I really didn’t stay in there that long. What time did you two get there?”
    “Oh, around seven I think,” Mary answered.
    “Well I guess I’d been there a little longer than I thought, but I was tired, and the sauna relaxed me a bit too much is all, I’ll be fine as you don’t have to worry about me.”
    “Well maybe so, but Carl is worried, and he went to the store to buy you some meat that you can fix when your tired, that doesn’t take much time to fix. Or at least that is what he said he was going to do. He and BJ left a minute ago.”
    “He’s doing what?” January jerked the covers off of herself.
    “Now you just relax,” Mary calmed her. “We were going to go out to dinner and Carl said he wasn’t leaving you alone until he felt you were better. They hadn’t eaten all day, so I told them they could go to the store and get something to fix here, or pick up fast food and bring it back. I hope I didn’t speak out of turn.?” Mary apologized.
    “I guess that is the least I can do after all the trouble I’ve caused.” January said, laying back on the pillows.
    “Look, this stuff is cold, you just relax and they’ll be back soon, then we can fix something different.” Mary said taking the tray from the stand. “Personally I hope they pick up some steaks, I’ve been wanting one all day.” She laughed.
    “Steak, hum... that sounds good,” January sighed. “Maybe I should get up and take a quick shower, you know clean up a little.”
    “Oh no you don’t, Carl would have my head, he told me to keep you in bed and I for one intend to do just that. I’d hate to cross him, I’ve seen his temper.” Mary said shaking her head. “I’ll tell you what if you’d like to put on your Caftan I’ll get it out for you. You can wipe off your face and put on a little blush, you look a little pale.”
    “Sounds like a plan,” January said throwing the covers to the side again. Although her head felt light she leaned on the counter in the bathroom as she splashed water on her face and brushed her teeth. She dabbed a little cologne on and finished dressing. Mary had gone back into the living room, and January could hear the men talking as she made her way slowly back toward the bed. She was just about to put her slippers on when Carl came pushing through the door. He stood looking at her, his eyes gleaming and a slight smile across his face, as he edged his way closer.
    “You look lovely,” He stated in a soft low tone.
    “Thank you,” January said, slightly embarrassed.
    “You didn’t eat your soup!”
    “I know, but it was cold, and I don’t like cold soup.”
    “It’s a good thing I bought you a steak then, or you would be on your way to the hospital. You will eat a small steak won’t you?” He eyed her with a warning look in his eyes.
    “Yes, that sounds, heavenly, could I help you in some way?” she asked.
    “No, Mary can help, but Ill take you up on it some other time.” He said, backing his way out the door.
    January felt lonely laying there on the bed while the three of them were making themselves at home in her kitchen. So sitting up on the side of the bed deciding whether to join them she could hear Mary laugh at

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