Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1)

Free Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1) by Autumn Raynne

Book: Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1) by Autumn Raynne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Autumn Raynne
and educated too!” Meg teared-up to see her daughter so upset.
    Reese shook her head. “I don’t want anyone else. I only want to see him… be with him…”
    Meg became frightened. “Reese, don’t hurt yourself, please. We all love you. Come back to California. Get out of that freezing cold city and come home! I can fly out and help you.”
    “No!” Reese shouted. “I am staying here. I won’t kill myself, mom. I’m just… I’m just… I just need time, okay?”
    “Are you sure, baby? I can come and stay with you for a while, or maybe your sister would.”
    Reese shook her head vigorously. “I will be okay, mom. I just want to lay here for a while.”
    “Get up out of that bed, Reese! Don’t let this man control you any longer. You are so much better than him.”
    Reese nodded. “I just want to be alone for a bit. I will call you later.”
    Meg smiled at her. “I love you, baby. Cheer up. I want you to promise me you are okay.”
    “I’m okay, mom.” She weakly smiled back at her.
    After hanging up with her mother, she turned over on her bed and hugged her pillow. She kissed the picture of Harrison on her phone then decided to get up and take a shower.
    Shedding her worn jeans and soft top, she climbed into the steaming hot shower. As the water streamed down over her head, flashes of Harrison brutally making love to her in the shower whipped through her mind like lightening. Fresh tears that spilled down her face were washed away by the cascading water. Pouring body wash into her hands, she stroked her body. Reaching down, she felt between her legs where Harrison had entered her and felt a fresh soreness like he had just been inside her. Shaking, she could feel his hands all over her and see the memories of him thrusting in and out of her. Her insides melted, and she sank down to the shower floor, sobbing.
    A few miles away, Harrison was also in the shower. Feeling the hot water pour over his muscular body, he felt a growing stiffness from thinking of being in the shower with Reese. He could smell the sweet scent of her body, see her curves and remember how tight and wet she was inside. Thoughts of her nearly drove him over the edge. There were days he could hardly stand it. Keeping busy with work and his daughters were the only ways he could tolerate the empty days without her. He saw her near daily texts, and it was tearing him apart to ignore her. However, Harrison knew that once he had made the break it would only be worse if he kept going back and forth with her. His place, like it or not, was here with his wife and children. As he stepped out of the shower, Harrison began dressing for work. He chose a dark-blue dress shirt. One that Reese had selected for him. Burying himself in his work would help keep him from feeling anything.

Chapter 11
    As autumn drew to a close but before the deep Chicago winter sat in, Reese got a call from her old sorority sister and best college friend, Ashley.
    “Reese! What’s up? It’s been so long!”
    “Hi Ash… what’s been up?”
    “I’m in Chicago for business. Boring conference on new email marketing tools… blah, blah, blah. I’m staying at the Peninsula. Come out with me tonight and keep me company!”
    Reese smiled as she remembered how much fun Ashley had been in college. “I don’t know, Ash. I’ve been feeling kind of sick lately.”
    “Oh, stop it, Ree. I’m back in Chi-town and looking to have fun tonight! Come on, pleeeassse… show me that fabulous penthouse you have been living in!”
    Reese laughed. Why not? It was time she had a little fun, and she was so sick of wallowing in misery. “Ok, girl, you talked me into it! What time?”
    Ashley cheered so loud Reese had to pull the phone away. “Yes! 8:00 p.m.! Text me your address and I will see you then! Wear something super sexy.”
    Reese laughed. “I always do, Ash.”
    Hanging up, Reese ran to her closet. She had lots of beautiful, expensive clothes Harrison had bought

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