The Vampire and The Paramedic
disposition in her mind and knew she wouldn’t take no for an
    “Come, everyone,” He announced. “Let us go
out and announce the birth to the whole Barrens. This is an
occasion for celebration.” He shot a wink in Brynne’s direction and
turned from where he stood in the doorway, gently ushering the
small gathering down the short hallway and out into the rest of the
trailer home.
    Later James watched as Brynne came out of the
small house trailer in the woods and walked carefully down the
rickety steps in the night. There was a small amount of light cast
by a lamp beside the door, but it didn’t carry far. James could see
her peering out into the darkness at the shapes she could see
congregating there. He stepped forward into the small pool of light
around the door so she could see him.
    “Well done, Brynne,” James said, smiling at
her. There was a murmur of assent from the crowd of Barren dwellers
that had gathered among the trees near the trailer. He had talked
to most of them, and the word had spread rather quickly through the
community of the remarkable skill of this human paramedic. Even he,
who had seen her in action before, was impressed. Seeing a new life
enter the world, especially in his world of unlife was a remarkable
thing to witness. The fact that he had just happened to bring this
human paramedic here at the right moment to assist with the birth
when their midwife had been away was a fortuitous accident. It had
raised him even higher in their eyes. The skeptics about the
Station U project among the leaders here, and there had been more
than a few, were changing their minds. The Barren’s leader, August,
had been very pleased to hear that Brynne could help with the baby.
He had been the first to shout the praises of the human after the
successful birth of the Fairy child.
    August stepped up next to him in the light at
that moment. He held out a pewter mug to Brynne. “Here, Paramedic
Brynne, you must join us in a birthday toast to young Ellie!”
Brynne started to shake her head in protest. “I insist. You are one
of us now, and you must join us in this tradition for luck!” James
saw Brynne smile wanly in his direction as she took the mug from
    The Barren’s leader raised his mug as he
turned to the crowd, standing next to Brynne. James raised his with
the others in attendance. “To Ellie, Jenny, and our new friend and
protector, Paramedic Brynne Garvey. She has helped us bring new
life to our community. We offer her wishes for a long and
prosperous life.” August looked at Brynne next to him as he spoke
the final words of the toast, “To life!”
    James watched as Brynne raised her mug to the
others and took a sip. Her eyes flashed in surprise, as she tasted
the ale. She looked at her mug and took a longer drink from the
cup, a warm smile on her face. James knew the brewmasters here
brewed a concoction known among the Unusuals as Fae Nectar. It was
an ancient recipe, and few humans had ever tasted it. It was also
notoriously strong and intoxicating. Once upon a time it had been
used to drug men to lure them to the beds of Fae women to
reproduce. The drugged men would have little memory of the event,
but the fairy community would gain a much-needed boost to their
genetic lines from the hardier humans among whom they lived.
    He walked over to Brynne as she continued to
take long sips from her cup. “Careful with that,” he said as he
approached. “It’s called Fae Nectar, and it’s stronger than its
taste would indicate. I don’t want to have to carry you back to the
    “It’s delicious,” Brynne said. “And, I guess
I needed a drink after that remarkable birth. I have to say the
wings caught me by surprise. Does Jenny have them as well? I
couldn’t tell the way she was laying in the bed after the
    “She does,” James confirmed in a low voice.
“She’s Fae. What you might call a Fairy. They can fold their

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