The Vampire and The Paramedic
against their backs and blend quite well in the human world if
needed but usually live in isolated communities like this one. Most
of the people here are Fae of one sort or another.”
    “Fascinating,” Brynne said as she took
another cautious sip. She swayed a bit as she did, bumping into
    “Whoa!” He said with a laugh, taking the cup
from her. “I think that’s enough. I told you it is strong
    “I should know better than to drink on an
empty stomach,” Brynne chastised herself. “Any chance we can get a
something to eat? I’m famished.”
    James checked his watch. It was already
nearly five o’clock in the morning. Dawn would be coming soon. “I
think we should be going anyway,” he said. “We can stop and get you
something to eat on the way home.”
    He looked around and found Celeste talking
with a few of the Barren’s leaders nearby, including August. Rudy
would be with the SUV in the parking area. James walked over to
where they were standing; glancing over his shoulder to make sure
Brynne was following him. He spoke up as they approached. “August,
my friend, I’m afraid we must be going as the hour is late and the
day approaches.”
    “Of course, my Lord,” August said bowing to
James. “I understand. We have kept you and your companions long
enough. Thank you for all your assistance and for showing us the
talents of Paramedic Brynne. We have learned much this evening. You
watch over us, as always.”
    “I thank you for your excellent hospitality,
August. I will make sure to follow-up on the things we have
discussed tonight for your community.” James looked at Celeste as a
woman came up and gathered their mugs from them. “Shall we go?
Brynne here needs to get home, and we need to be back before
    Celeste nodded, “Lead on, James. We’re right
behind you.” She took Brynne by the arm to steady her, and they
followed James down the path into the woods.
    Rudy was leaning against the hood of the
Expedition looking at his smartphone when they got back to the
parking area on the road. He stood as they approached, took the key
fob out of his pocket and used the remote start to fire up the
SUV’s engine. He saw Celeste with an arm around Brynne and quirked
an eyebrow at James.
    “Fae Nectar,” James said in explanation.
    “Damn,” Rudy said. “And I missed it. I guess
that means that things went well?”
    “Remarkably so,” James confirmed. Celeste was
helping Brynne climb into the back of the Expedition as he got into
the passenger seat. He waited for Rudy to climb in behind the wheel
before continuing. “The birth proceeded without any problems, and
our Brynne here was amazing. I had meant merely to show her the
Barrens and introduce her to some of the leaders in an attempt to
get them used to the concept of human paramedics and healers. She
took it way past that point. August called her ‘one of them’ and
toasted her with the whole gathering. I’d say it couldn’t have gone
better if I’d scripted it.”
    “Wow,” Rudy said as he pulled out onto the
back country road that had brought them here. “So, where to now?
Back to the city?”
    “First we need to get Brynne something to
eat,” James said. “She had a bit too much nectar on an empty
stomach. I want her to remember this night’s events. It’s
important.” He looked down the road toward the glow of the city
lights on the horizon. “Is there any place to stop and get her
something on the way back?”
    “I know just the place,” the werewolf said.
“There’s a great diner off of Route 40, and it’s only a slight
detour. It’s kind of near the paramedic station so Brynne might
know of it.” He craned his neck to look in the rearview mirror.
“Brynne, have you ever eaten at Hank’s Diner?”
    “Oh, I love that place!” Brynne shouted,
slurring her words a bit. “That would be perfect. I can have
pancakes and eggs and biscuits and bacon and coffee. Ooo, I think I
could use some

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