Worth the Wait (Sexy Nerd Boys #1)

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Book: Worth the Wait (Sexy Nerd Boys #1) by K. M. Neuhold Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. M. Neuhold
am way too high to figure out what you’re getting at,” He admits. I move closer to him until he lifts his arm up to invite me into his chest.
    I feel his strong muscles under my hands for a moment and the ache between my legs is in full force.
    “I’m no good Ethan,” I confess. I want him to tell me that I am good enough. If he thought I was good enough maybe I could start to believe it too. But, does it really count if he doesn’t know everything?
    “You’re pretty damn perfect from where I’m sitting.” The sincerity in his voice breaks me a little.
    “What if I wanted you to kiss me?” I ask in almost a whisper.
    I’m terrified to hear his answer. Either way his answer will change things. I mean, sure he loves to make sexual innuendos and jokes when we hang out. But, there’s never been any indication he actually wants me. He’s the kind of guy who wants every woman. I’m not special, he doesn’t see me as anything different than all of the other women.
    I wish I could take the question back suddenly. How presumptuous, why would he break a rule for me? I’m no one.
    “ Do you want me to kiss you?” His voice is husky.
    I want to lie and say ‘no, just kidding’. But, instead I nod once. And then, without hesitation, his lips are on mine.
    His mouth is desperate against mine. I shudder as he runs his tongue along my lips hungrily. I throb for his touch. He rolls on top of me but holds his weight so that he’s not trapping me beneath him. He runs his hand along my stomach and up under my shirt. I’m not wearing a bra so he has easy access to my hard nipples. He nibbles and tugs at my bottom lip at the same time he caresses my nipple sharply.
    “Ethan,” I gasp his name and arch against him.
    “Ever since you told me you’ve never had an orgasm, I have been obsessed with being your first.”
    I hesitate, is that all this is about? Am I just some jerk-off fantasy that he needs to get out of his system?
    “That’s not the only thing though, Red. You are so much more than that,” He says sensing my sudden hesitation. “At first it was only because I was insanely attracted to you. But, the more I’ve gotten to know you the more I like everything about you.”
                  “Shut up and kiss me,” I demand playfully.
    His lips return to mine instantaneously. His hands are back to their deft exploration. I part my thighs letting him settle against my throbbing core. I grind against his hard cock through our jeans. He growls and kisses me harder. His hand travels down to my pants and begins to work them off.
                  I put a hand out to stop him. I’m afraid for him to see my legs. I haven’t let anyone see them.
                  “It’s okay Red, I won't do anything you don’t want me to do,” He assures me.
                  “It’s not that. It’s my legs.” I avoid his gaze with shame pounding through me.
    God, no one is ever going to want me, ever again. I always figured that it wouldn’t ever be a problem because I didn’t think I’d ever want someone to want me again. But, now Ethan’s unleashed these new, exciting feelings in me, and I’ll never be able to act on them. Life is so unfair.
                  “It’s okay,” He promises me.
    I hold my breath for a second, trying to muster the courage to face his reaction to my scarred legs. Not to mention dealing with the fear of letting a man take my pants off and see me vulnerable. My chest constricts a little and my head starts to spin with all of the horrible images that I’d pushed down to the deepest part of my memories.
                  “Red, I’ll stop if it's what you want,” He assures me. “But I need you to know I’d never hurt you. I’ll never do anything to you that you don’t want me to do.”
    I bite back the anxiety and take a deep breath to calm my racing heart.
                  “Okay,” I nod.
    He kisses my

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