Worth the Wait (Sexy Nerd Boys #1)

Free Worth the Wait (Sexy Nerd Boys #1) by K. M. Neuhold

Book: Worth the Wait (Sexy Nerd Boys #1) by K. M. Neuhold Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. M. Neuhold
wet dream.”
    “Oh yeah, are you saying you’ve had dirty dreams about me?” She inquires.
    Her voice is free of her usual combative tone, in fact it almost sounds like she’s flirting with me. I take a deep toke and hold the smoke in my lungs until it starts to burn, using this time to decide how to respond. Does she really want to know that I’m developing a preoccupation with her on a much more than friendly level?
    She continues to stare at me waiting for an answer. I open my mouth to say...I’m actually not even sure what I’m going to say. And, I’m saved by the bell. Or the knock rather.
    “That was quick,” I comment as I hop off the bed to answer the door. The teenage delivery boy looks between Abby and I and gets a face full of smoke from the room and winks at me. I laugh and pull out $10 to tip him.
    I place the pizza box on the bed between us and we both dig in.
    Lee: so should I be freaked out that you and my brother are away...alone together, for the weekend?
    I chuckle at Lee's text message. She must have just gotten home and found the note I left on the fridge simply saying ‘Ethan and I are going to Texas, see you Sunday night’.
    “What’s so funny?” Ethan asks through a mouthful of pizza.
    “Lee just got the note I left for her. She’s worried that we’re alone together. But I don’t know if she’s worried that I’m going to kill you or that you’re going to fuck me.”
    Abby: It’s all good, we’re just doing some nerdy shit you wouldn’t have been in to
    Lee: Alright, just remember...don’t be a fool wrap his tool
    Abby: Lol, ew. so not going there
    Lee: Ok, but if you do...don’t be silly, protect his willy
    Abby: seriously stop
    Lee: I’m done now, but seriously...it’ll be sweeter if he wraps his peter.
    I can’t stop laughing as Ethan takes my phone out of my hand to read the text’s Lee sent me.
    “She is such a freak sometimes,” Ethan says with a fond smile and a shake of his head.
    “I think it must be genetic,” I tease.
    “You wound me.” Ethan covers his heart with mock hurt. He reaches for another slice of pizza and our hands touch. I tense involuntarily. He furrows his brow at the instinctive movement.
    “Sorry, it’s not you,” I assure him bashfully.
    “That’s good to know. You’re kind of a mystery to me the way you crave physical affection one minute and flinch at a small touch the next.”
    “I know, it’s just...I have baggage,” I say with a shrug.
    He waits for me to elaborate and when I don’t he lets out a frustrated huff.
    “You can trust me. You can talk to me.”
    “I don’t know what to say. My last boyfriend, he wasn’t so nice to me,” I try to play it off casually but Ethan’s eyes darken.
    “He hurt you?” His voice is tense.
    I shrug with feigned indifference.
    “Where is he now?”
    “Dead,” I answer simply.
    “I’m sorry,” Ethan’s words are clearly more reflex than genuine because he still has a scowl on his face.   
    “I’m not,” I reply honestly. “Now can we drop this subject already?”
    “Sure,” Ethan nods and we both lapse into silence.
                  Abby bounces excitedly on her heals. We’ve been waiting in line for the celebrity panel at Who Con for an hour already. But, we haven’t had much trouble keep ourselves entertained. And, the long wait hasn’t dampened her enthusiasm at all.
                  “When we get in there I’m going to yell to David Tennant that I want to have his babies,” She informs me, a giddy smile playing at her pink lips.
                  “Fuck, marry, kill: David Tennant, Me, and Donald Trump.”
                  Abby furrows her brow as she contemplates the question.
                  “Let’s see…I’m going to have to kill Donald Trump. That one’s a no brainer. The question is do I want David Tennant for one steamy night or the rest of my life?” She

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