Painted Boots

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Book: Painted Boots by Mechelle Morrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mechelle Morrison
same time, hate what he did.
    I was out at the curb today a good three minutes before my dad pulled up.  I gave him the lecture: ‘If you’re not going to get me a car then be early!’  I mean, I ran out there knowing the chances were good you had sent me an email while I was at school.  I couldn’t wait to get home and then !!!!  Dad wasn’t even there.  But I eased up, ‘cause on the way home he told me about having coffee with your dad.  I can tell he considers your dad a friend.
    I’ll sing with you.  Sure!  It’d be fun to share a post on YouTube.  Touring sounds scary, but I’d do it with you.  I’m flattered you want me to, because you’re really good.  I listen to your songs all the time right now because I’m craving you like crazy.  It’s like I’m thirteen for how often I want to kiss my computer screen.  I’m always amazed that you have so many fans.  I added up all the views from your twelve songs: 1,798,331, total.  You’re a view millionaire!  Clearly, I’m not alone in adoring you.
    I didn’t see Em today, which is out of character for her.  It’s also good, because I don’t know how I’ll handle it now that I know what she did to you.  Even thinking on her starts a fury in my stomach.  I saw Lindsey in the hall and she walked up close to me and said ‘I still want my aunt’s pin.’  I didn’t know what to say at first. I bought the thing and now it’s mine.  Giving it to her seems weird, like if I give Lindsey that pin then it will get around and pretty soon everyone will be making a game out of getting me to give them stuff they think is theirs.  It’s already bad enough that they’re always guessing who my clothes came from.  In the end I told Lindsey if she wants the pin so bad she can buy it by paying me what I paid.  Forty-five dollars.  She just laughed.
    I can’t wait ‘till you’re home!
    7 :07 PM(2 hours ago)
    To me
    Aspen ,
    I love your name, you know?  And since we’re being honest and natural with each other it seems natural to tell you that I’ve been thinking on how I want your name to evolve until one day, it’s Aspen Thacker.  Cause I’ll tell you, girl.  As far forward as I can look, I see you there.
    I know about those views on YouTube. And I’ll confide that it’s a dream I have to sell my songs on iTunes.  I’ve been looking into it and stuff.  But thinking on it now, I don’t care about all those views except the ones coming from you.  It’s good people enjoy my music, but you inspire it.  Remember that.
    I love the idea of craving like crazy.  I’m gonna write a song about it, and the lyrics will all be about how much I crave you and how much you crave me.  That I’m sitting here, desperate to take that craving and act on it, is something you should know.
    Thanks for the stuff you said about my brother.  It meant a lot. I like how your thoughts draw a circle around what’s good in a person.  I like how you see the better side of things.  You have a gift for that, but maybe you don’t know.  I know it and I need it.  I need you, girl.
    My mom’s taking me out to a late dinner, so I’m writing now to say good night.  It’s been a rough day.  Earlier, after I emailed you, my mom and I talked about Evan and we both cried, hard.  It’s strange, but up until this week we’ve never really talked about what happened.  Evan’s death was the shadow lurking behind our thoughts, but none of us dared bring it up.
    My dad still won’t talk about it.  It was good to hear my mom own that.  It’s good she’s being brave, and that she’ll discuss it some with me.  Mom says to give Dad time, that it might take him years, if ever, because Dad and Evan were real close.  I may be the one who looks more like my dad, but Evan was Dad’s reflection.  Evan was nineteen when he died, a year away from where I stand now.  Mom says the closer I get

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