The Truth of the Body (Templer Series)

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Book: The Truth of the Body (Templer Series) by Duka Dakarai Read Free Book Online
Authors: Duka Dakarai
throat, waiting for news.
    I re-trace my steps as I see yet another doctor head towards me. “Amber Templer?” She asks. My head swims as I sink into the chair next to Drew.
    I open my mouth to speak but nothing happens.
    Drew stands to address the doctor. “How is he? How is Logan? Can my sister see him?”
    The doctor smiles at all three of us gesturing to us to calm. “He is going to make a full recovery. The knife wound looked much worse than it actually is and was not deep enough to hit any vital organs. But he will be very sore for a while. He is awake again now. You can have five minutes with him before we transfer him to the ward.”
    As we pull the curtain back, Logan is attempting to get out of bed. He winces holding onto his side. The doctor scowls at him. “What are you trying to do, Major Grant?” She snaps at him, frustrated.
    “What does it look like? Discharge me. I want out of here.” He growls. He eyes me as I push past the doctor, throwing me a lop-sided smile.
    I raise an eyebrow pointing for him to get back into the bed. He remains sat on the edge of the Emergency room mattress. He shakes his head defiantly at me. I look to Drew for back up but he shrugs laughing.
    “I think Logan will be coming home with us, Doctor. My physician will take care of him there.” He nods to her. She sighs, pulling the curtain around us.
    As I hear her walk away, I throw my arms around his neck, hugging him tight. He winces again but lets me hold him. He plants a chaste kiss on my forehead before gently pushing me away from him. He turns to Drew, his face suddenly hard.
    “It was fucking Clark all along. But he is not alone in this. I caught him talking to someone on his mobile as I entered the kitchen. Then he swung at me with a knife and you know the rest.”
    Drew listens quietly before responding. “He is with DCI Radcliffe and his team now. Hopefully he will squeal and make it easier on himself. I don’t know how to thank you enough for protecting Amber. But I have a couple of ideas. But that is for later.” He stretches out his hand towards Logan.
    They shake hands as I crawl onto the other side of the bed. I nuzzle up to Logan. He sighs deeply turning slowly turning his body towards me. “You are still a pain in my ass, you know that, don’t you?”
    I nod, smiling and planting another kiss on his cheek. He scowls at me one last time eyeing Drew as he does so. Drew laughs, shaking his head.
    “Tilly and I will wait in the car. Logan, I suggest you make life easier for yourself and kiss my sister back. It doesn’t look like she is going down without a fight…..and you are in no fit state to argue.”
    He grabs Tilly’s hand pulling her away from the emergency room, before turning to throw Logan a wink.
    Chapter Eighteen
    Seventy Two Hours Later
    Clark did squeal. He bought a deal to lessen his potential sentence time in return for testifying against his two co-conspirators, Matt Price and Eva Price, mother and stepson. Eva Price is my own flesh and blood. She is my bitch mother who left us when I was barely out of nappies. When she left our father and ran off with his best friend, she sought a better life….adventure. What she got, we have learned over the last three days, was an alcoholic new husband and a stepson. When her husband drank himself into an early grave, she became consumed with bitterness and jealousy as she read in the papers of the successes of her children, in particular Drew and Jake.
    The handwritten pink envelopes were all her idea. The only time I will ever see my own mother’s handwriting. Nice touch, mother….
    I should feel something, I suppose. All I feel is numb . But still, in time, there will be a court trial, and I am not looking forward to that. For now though, for today, I have the only people I need in my life….my brothers, and Tilly and Mia, and Logan.
    I try not to spill the contents of the breakfast tray as I stagger up the stairs under the

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