The Truth of the Body (Templer Series)

Free The Truth of the Body (Templer Series) by Duka Dakarai

Book: The Truth of the Body (Templer Series) by Duka Dakarai Read Free Book Online
Authors: Duka Dakarai
He knows the Detective and Logan are right.
    I make my way into the kitchen and wrap my arms around my brother’s waist. He returns my hug, kissing me lightly on the top of my head. “Drew, they are right, we all know that. And I need to stay here in case they are watching the house. That way we have more of a chance of whoever it may be getting caught. If I leave, they could follow me anywhere. That just spreads this mess wider.”
    Drew holds me away from him, his eyes moist. “When did you get so damn smart, baby girl?” He pulls me against him, holding me tenderly in his arms.
    I laugh nervously. “I didn’t. I saw it in a movie years ago.”
    I have been tossing and turning for hours now. All around me the house is in silence and in darkness. I am lying here hoping that the others are at least getting some sleep if I am not. I have nervous indigestion churning in my stomach and acid burning in my throat. I need some antacids.
    I quietly get out of bed, throw a robe around my shoulders and pad my way out of my bedroom door. Another door opens and Logan is there bedside me before I have even taken another step.
    “Where are you going?” He hisses, pulling me back towards my room.
    I shake myself loose. “Indigestion tablets. I can’t sleep. Clark is on duty downstairs, isn’t he? I will be fine.”  I whisper as I reach up and sneak a kiss.
    Logan scowls at me, shaking his head. “I’m coming with you. Come on.” He says gruffly.
    “Logan, please. I will be two seconds. Then I will come straight back to bed. I promise. There are Police patrolling the house for God sake. Wait here and give me a kiss when I get back.”
    He scowls at me again. I make to pad my way down the stairs and realise he is walking tightly behind me. As we near the bottom of the steps, he draws me into him before pulling me behind him so he can lead the way.
    There is a small lamp shining in the lounge area, and another shining from the kitchen. There is a sound of muffled talking from within the kitchen. Logan stills holding me firmly behind him. He gestures silently for me not to move. I watch him edge his way along the walls into the kitchen.
    I hold my breath until suddenly I hear the thunderous crash and sickening, guttural sounds of fighting. I scream at the top of my lungs to warn the others as I rush towards the kitchen.
    Chapter Seventeen
    Logan bellows at me to get out of the kitchen as he dodges a swing from Clark. I see a flash of silver in Clark’s hand as he lunges towards Logan. Again, Logan dodges him ducking and launching himself forwards. Clark lashes out with the knife catching Logan across the ribcage.
    As another scream leaves my mouth, I am thrown backwards . Thompson followed by uniformed Officers, storm into the kitchen. The distraction gives Logan time to land a blow to Clark’s temple knocking him out cold. He staggers out of the way as the Officers take over. He clutches his side as blood seeps through his fingers.
    He collapses beside me on the floor as I crawl towards him. I scream to the Officers to get help. I cradle Logan as he loses consciousness in my arms.
    “Get an ambulance….somebody help him. Logan, stay with me. Logan!” I cry out as Drew and Jake crouch beside me, holding me.
    We have been sat here for over two hours in the waiting area of Treliske Hospital in Truro.  Drew, Tilly and I followed the ambulance as it sped out of Newquay heading towards Truro. The journey is relatively short but it felt like hours. Jake, Mia and Thompson remained at the house to speak to the senior Detectives as they led Clark away. I have no idea why or how he is involved in the ransom demands scheme and at this moment, I do not really care. I want to be with Logan and no-body will tell us anything.
    My eyes are burning. I cannot cry any more tears . Instead I am pacing back and forth in the waiting area. As I see another nurse or doctor head in our direction, my heart leaps in my

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