Chance Encounters

Free Chance Encounters by Jenna Pizzi

Book: Chance Encounters by Jenna Pizzi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Pizzi
covered her eyes. “All right you two, get moving. This isn’t a hotel you know.”
    Emma was completely embarrassed. She was never the kind to
give public displays of affection, but something about Jacob made her forget
all of that. Jacob bowed down. “Ay, ay, captain.”
    The officer only shook his head. “Come on, go before I drag
you in for disorderly conduct.”
    Emma slowly walked past the officer and nodded. Jacob ran up
behind her and wrapped his arm around her. “So you want to go swimming?”
    Emma looked at him in surprise. “Swimming, where?”
    He winked and grabbed her hand. He dragged her down an alley
to the back of a building. She realized they were behind the Hilton, and pulled
him backwards.
    “Jacob, please tell me we are not going to break into a
hotel pool.”
    He winked and pulled open the back employee door. “Trust me,
Emma. Just learn to trust, and have some fun.”
    She knew he was completely right, so she followed him. He
led her down a long corridor and up a flight of stairs, until the smell of
chlorine permeated the air. Jacob closed the door behind them and bolted it
shut from the inside. “It’s after nine p.m. Most of the staff are gone for the
night, and the pool is closed so we should be in the clear until the morning.”
    She shook her head. “Is this what you do? You sneak into
places after closing and leave before they open?”
    He only shrugged his shoulders as he pulled his shirt over
his head and threw it to a nearby lounge chair. Emma placed her small travel
bag on the chair. “I don’t have a bathing suit.” She realized it sounded
ridiculous even as she said it. Jacob stripped off his pants and stood there in
his boxer shorts. Emma stared at him. He couldn’t be any different from Matt,
who was average height with a very athletic build. Jacob was over six feet tall
and thin, fit, very lean. Emma shook her head again. “You want me to strip to
my underwear?”
    He said nothing as he dove into the pool. He came back up
and she got a good look at his face now that his dark, curly hair was slicked
back from the water. He really was very handsome. “Okay sure, underwear or no
underwear, your choice. I’m okay with both, you choose.”
    She smiled for what felt like the hundredth time since being
with him. She quickly pulled off her T-shirt and slipped off her shorts. She
placed them on the lounge chair next to his clothes, thanking the heavens that
she had on cute matching lavender bra and panty set. He was floating on his
back, watching her with wandering eyes. She dove into the pool and under the
water. She swam over to Jacob and pulled him under. He, in turn, began the game
of cat and mouse in the pool.
    Emma screeched and tried to get out of his way, but Jacob
was a fast swimmer. He caught up with her over by the ladder, and pinned her up
against the side of the pool. He leaned in to kiss her. Her body relaxed and
she wrapped her arms around his neck. Jacob’s hands began to travel up and down
Emma’s body.
    The sound of the entry door rattling ruined the moment.
Jacob stopped moving and placed his finger ever so gently over her lips. “Shhh
… there is someone coming, and it’s not me.”
    Emma tried to not laugh, but with Jacob that was nearly
impossible. The door shook harder. She could hear someone talk into a
walkie-talkie, stating the door to the pool was jammed from the inside.
    “That is our cue, my dear. We should really be going now.
Come on.” He hopped out of the pool and helped Emma up. They rushed to the
lounge chair, grabbed their things, and hurried to the door on the opposite
side of the room.
    The door led down a long hallway. He ushered her to the end.
They laughed at the trail of water they were leaving as they made their escape.
    Jacob noticed a housekeeping cart sitting in the hallway
with keys dangling from it. He reached over and ripped one of the keys off of
it. Grabbing Emma, he pulled her around the corner to the elevator.

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