Hot Magic

Free Hot Magic by Holli Bertram

Book: Hot Magic by Holli Bertram Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holli Bertram
    “Your mother was murdered?” Julie had never heard this before.
    “Kidnapped by a Shadow Walker and killed in cold blood. That’s what started the civil war that blew the Triad apart.”
    “What happened?” Tasha perched on the arm of the couch, leaning forward with interest.
    “They stole her right out of her bed, in the middle of the night, while we all slept. My father went after her and found her dead the next morning. Something in him broke and he went a little mad. He gathered Dancers from around the world and waged war on the Walkers. Hundreds of Walkers and Dancers died in one terrible week, including my father. Only the fact that the rest of the world was involved in a war as well saved us from discovery. After it was over, I moved away from New York. I cut all my ties with old friends and family. I wanted nothing to do with the Triad or what was left of it.”
    “Wow,” Tasha breathed.
    “Why haven’t you told me this before?” Julie spoke through gritted teeth. How could her mother have kept this very important part of their history hidden?
    “I don’t want you involved in the Triad. Either of you.”
    “I don’t know if we have a choice, Mom. It looks like the Triad has become involved with us.”
    “Ignore them. They’ll go away.”
    Julie and Tasha exchanged a skeptical look. “Harry isn’t easily ignored,” Julie finally said.
    “Drama Queen and Luc aren’t either,” Tasha added.
    “And what about these powers I suddenly have? Shouldn’t I use them for good, or something?” With great power comes great responsibility—or whatever it was Spiderman had said.
    “No, no, no. Just forget about them.”
    Easier said than done, especially when she had no idea what her powers were. A terrible thought occurred to her. “What about Tasha? Is she going to have to worry that every time she kisses a guy, she may blow up?”
    “A kiss doesn’t usually trigger a release of powers. Your case is not normal, Julie.” Her mother gave her a look that made her feel guilty.  
    “What is normal?” Tasha asked.
    “Triad children come into their full powers at puberty. Before that, they have a very limited ability to transform energy. Most kids can light a candle or give another child a small shock, that sort of thing. During puberty, however, that changes and Triad children are sent to boarding school where they are taught how to control and use the energy they gradually become able to absorb.”
    Tasha looked thoughtful. “And that’s where they learn how to fight demons in groups of three?”
    Fight demons? Groups of three? What was Tasha talking about?  
    “Those are advanced skills, not taught until what would be late high school here.” Her mother nodded.
    Julie didn’t even know where to start asking questions. “Tasha and I didn’t come into power at puberty. Why not?”
    “You’re of mixed heritage. When it didn’t happen, I just assumed you didn’t have the ability.”
    “So now that we know I do and we know that I’m not normal,” Julie slanted her mother a look, “we don’t know what to expect for Tasha.”
      “Right. My advice is that she stay away from men.” Jean turned to Tasha. “There are really some very lovely lesbians, dear. I don’t suppose you’d consider coming out of the closet?”
    Tasha turned to Julie. “Grandma’s driving me crazy.”
    “Tasha.” Julie gave her daughter a severe look and turned to her mother. “Mom. You’re driving me crazy. Gay people aren’t gay just because it’s convenient for them. You know that.”
    “Not all gay people are alike. Sexuality exists on a continuum. Some people are born gay, and some choose the gay lifestyle. It’s not fair to say you can’t be gay just because you don’t have the right genetic make-up. That kind of closed-mindedness isn’t like you, dear.”
    “I’m very closed-minded at the moment.” Julie sat down. “In fact, my brain is in lockdown. I officially have information

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