Unleash (Vampire Erotic Theatre Romance Series Book 6)

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Book: Unleash (Vampire Erotic Theatre Romance Series Book 6) by Felicity Heaton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Felicity Heaton
him like a whip, her innocence evaporating as she scowled, her eyes dark with the pain and fury she emanated.
    Snow was quiet for a few long seconds, unsure what to say in response to that or how to make things better. Would she accept an apology? He had told her not to offer her wrist. She had seen him at his worst. She should have known he would hurt her.
    “I had blood a short while ago,” he confessed, “but it tastes like death to me these days. But you… you taste like life. How?”
    He hadn’t missed the little fact that drinking her blood had driven him right through the other side of his bloodlust and into the clear too. The way he felt right now, he knew he wouldn’t suffer another attack for at least a day, if not more. He had never felt this normal, not since before his bloodlust had first emerged.
    “Do you suffer like this every night?” Her expression softened to reveal the innocence that he was coming to like about her. Her wide luminous eyes still sparkled with the tears that were drying on her pale cheeks, but they no longer held anger and darkness. They were soft and bright, inquisitive again. He nodded. Her fine black eyebrows puckered into a small frown. “There is no cure?”
    “Only death.” Something he had long desired but had always been denied.
    She swallowed and closed her eyes, her frown hardening. She released her wrist and pressed her bloodied hand to her head, smudging red across it.
    “You are unwell?” he said, his guilt returning with a vengeance.
    “I feel dizzy… and a little weak.” Her eyes opened and fixed on him, the brightness in them gone.
    Snow frowned. How much had he taken from her? She was slender and delicate. He had drunk greedily. He had taken too much. If she had been a normal weak human, he probably would have killed her. The black wings curling around her shoulders were a constant reminder that she was anything but weak. An angel.
    And she had given him blood.
    That couldn’t be a good thing for her to have done.
    “Come to me. Let me seal the wound.” He jerked his chin, trying to coax her into doing as he asked.
    She grasped the bedpost and slowly pulled herself up off the floor, and then stumbled forwards and collapsed onto the mattress beside him, her breathing rapid and shallow. She shook as she bravely offered her right wrist to him.
    Snow gently licked it, cleaning away the blood. His tongue on her flesh felt so good and he liked the way she stared at him, watching him intently.
    Her skin was hot, her taste delectable.
    He ached to feel her body against his, soft against hard, warm against cool. He hadn’t touched a female in centuries, hadn’t wanted to either, but he longed to lay his hands on her and learn her curves, her fragrance, and her sweetest spots.
    It was wrong of him to desire her, an angel, one pure and untainted while he was wretched, but she brought out the devil in him. She made him want to taint her and ruin her.
    Possess her.
    He shifted his focus back to her wrist, taking care to ensure that the bleeding had stopped before he leaned his head back on the black pillows.
    His gentleness seemed to please her and she offered him a small smile as she drew her arm back to her.
    “I had feared you would begin drinking again,” she whispered and ran her thumb over the marks on her wrist, her gaze on them now. “They tell our kind that vampires are foul.”
    Her gaze flickered over his face to settle on his hair and she reached out and lifted one of the long strands, drawing it out of his eyes.
    “Snow,” she murmured and his vivid scarlet eyes shifted to meet hers and narrowed. “Your hair is like snow. It is pure and beautiful.”
    Snow turned his face away. “You of all people should know how impure I am.”
    She sighed and even that sounded melodic and soothing to him. Her hand left his hair and she shifted on the bed. When he realised what she intended, he snapped his head around to face her, catching her reaching for the

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