A Dad of His Own

Free A Dad of His Own by Gail Gaymer Martin

Book: A Dad of His Own by Gail Gaymer Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gail Gaymer Martin
as if he were doing a survey. “Each day’s a struggle, but think of one bright side of the situation. You’re blessed that you work at home. You can be with Cooper and not have to depend on childcare.”
    She studied him a moment. “You’re right. I’m grateful for that.”
    “I assume you’re in graphic art.”
    “Right. I’m a graphic designer. I love the work.”
    The new topic gave Ethan a reprieve. “What do you do? I saw that cartoon on Cooper’s shirt.”
    She shifted against the cushion, her face relaxing. “I create CD and DVD covers. The project I’m working on now involves DVD covers for a company that makes cartoons and kids’ animated movies with characters like the one on Cooper’s shirt. When I first begin doing jobs like that and start brainstorming the cover art, I always ask myself what would catch Cooper’s eye.” She slipped her feet to the floor.
    “He’s your artistic mentor.”
    She grinned. “He inspires me. I figure if Coop likes it, then other kids will. It’s worked so far.”
    Grateful for the stress-free conversation, Ethan leaned forward. “I’d like to see some of your work.”
    Her eyes brightened. “Anytime, but not tonight. My computer’s downstairs.”
    “I didn’t mean tonight. We’re on alert here. I’m not budging.”
    Lexie studied him, her eyes lingering over his face, and the look sizzled in his chest. He managed to keep eye contact with her, not wanting to look away. The silence felt too important as if they were each surveying the other for answers they would never hear until they knew each other better.
    “You’re a nice man, Ethan.”
    Her statement came out of nowhere, and his chest constricted. He grasped his composure. “Thanks. I admire you, too. You’ve gone through so much, and you can still smile.”
    “It’s that or sob. I’d rather smile.” She glanced at her watch. “I’d better check on him.”
    Ethan sat on the edge of the chair and craned his neck toward the door. Only a second passed before Lexie cameout with Cooper and headed into the bathroom. He sensed he was infringing on their privacy as he heard the boy’s struggle in the bathroom. He should have left earlier, but he’d waited too long to leave now. Anyway, she might need him again.
    Minutes passed, and Ethan rose, pacing the room and cringing at the retching sounds that penetrated the walls. He ached for the child. His pacing continued while he longed to do something. Anything.
    The bathroom door opened, and Lexie faced him. “Ethan, I’m sorry, but I think I need to get Cooper to emergency.”
    “I’ll take you.” He crossed to her side.
    “No. I’ll manage. Don’t put yourself out for—”
    “I want to go, Lexie. Let me take you.”
    She gave a nod, gratefulness filling her eyes.
    “We’d better go now.” Ethan strode toward the bathroom and waited while she helped the boy wipe his mouth before he stepped inside. He cradled the boy in his arms and hurried down the stairs, his heart in his throat.
    Her only son. His mind repeated the words with every step he took. What would Lexie do if the boy didn’t win the battle?

Chapter Five
    E than eyed the waiting room door for the hundredth time. He closed his eyes and sent up another prayer, asking the Lord to hold Cooper in the palm of His hand. His own hands ached with the grip he’d had on the arms of the uncomfortable chair. He loosened his fingers and stretched them, then focused on the door again.
    The clock hands crept around the face. He’d compared his watch to the wall clock, and they were basically the same, both inching the minute hand forward each agonizing second.
    He pushed his body upward and stood on wobbly legs. His right foot tingled with sleep, and he shifted his weight until the tingle faded. He stretched, gazing around the room at other anxious faces, doing what he had been doing for forty-five minutes. Waiting.
    Magazines lay piled on a nearby table. He wandered over and shifted them,

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