Conquer the Highland Beast: The Vampire Dylan Macgregor (Hearts of Darkness)

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Book: Conquer the Highland Beast: The Vampire Dylan Macgregor (Hearts of Darkness) by Eliza March Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza March
Tags: Romance, Love Story
Not too proud to accept her assistance, he handed her one of his bags and followed her up the narrow path.
    When they reached the concealed opening to the cave, he entered. Examining the cave with the skill of a seasoned warrior, he finally nodded his approval after a second scan. Still sounding winded with his raw, raspy voice, he said with the authority and maturity he’d suddenly gained through experience, “ ’Tis a good spot. Your father chose wisely. Not many ever knew of this place. ’Tis difficult to reach but easy to spot anyone approaching—even on foot.”
    Without meeting her gaze, he took a short swig from the water skin and wiped his mouth on his arm, smearing more of the dirt, before he offered her the flask of water. “We’ll stay here for now.”
    “Here’s what food Da left with me.” Evie held out a large leather bag, offering it to him.
    Dylan held his side and shook his head as he sat against a damp wall. “Later. My head is aching, and I need ta rest. I’ve a rib or two givin’ me fits.”
    “Is there anything I can do?”
    “Put the bag down, lass.”
    He looked exhausted, defeated, and Evie knew from an intimate mind touch he was too weak to think.
    “Listen carefully for any strange sounds while I rest for a spell.”
    “Not to worry, Dylan. I’ll keep watch while ye rest, and when ye wake we’ll make our plan.”
    Evie put the leather bag down by his side so he could use it as a pillow.
    “Aye, I’ve a plan in mind already,” he mumbled and closed his eyes.
    “Here take the extra tartan. I’ve one of my own.”
    She covered him with the plaid and moved to the entrance to keep watch. Leaning against the moist rock, she dared not sit for fear her weariness would overtake her. She couldn’t fail her responsibility to her clansman. The boy would become chieftain someday. It was as plain as the symbolic ring he wore through the leather thong around his neck—the clan symbol—his father’s and his fathers’ before him.

Chapter 11   Finding Gareth
    Relating the Past
    “Evie didn’t miss the way I kept the broadsword draped over my shoulder or how I tossed and moaned during my sleep. Later, she asked me how I prevented Haruld from discovering the ring and the broadsword during his raid.”
    Dylan summed up Evie’s side of the story, and incredibly, they’d finished off another bottle. While Dylan revealed his memories, Max remained stone cold sober. Between the vampire blood, the after effects of the berserker rage, and the horrors of Dylan’s background, the adrenaline rush kept Max from feeling the buzz of the alcohol. He couldn’t understand how Dylan could revisit the horrid past without exposing his berserker rage.
    “You okay, Dylan?”
    “Aye, lad, but are you? I see yer keepin’ up with me and the whiskey, but perhaps this wasn’t a good time for this. Yer rage isn’t letting down.”
    “I’m not fighting it. It’s the one way I could stomach your story.”
    “Here comes the food, lad. Go ahead, relax a bit and eat.”
    “I will if you tell me what happened to you and Evie later? How did you manage? Where did you go?”
    “Before Evie and I left the cave near the ravaged Benocght keep, we practiced blocking our thoughts so no one would discover our abilities.” Dylan pointed his fork at Max. “When we came across villages, we kept a low profile and didn’t stay long. It took a verra long time to reach my cousin, Gareth’s keep—more’n a year. But I knew it was far enough away from Benocght and we’d be safe from Haruld and his men.”
    “Who exactly was this cousin?”
    “Gareth, the eldest son of my father’s brother was always an honorable man. He and his wife Aedithe had one son, Leif, who was a year or so older ’n me. When we arrived, all the kin of the keep took to our care as if we were one of their own.”
    “And you believe I descended from either you or this Leif Macgregor?”
    “Aye. I believe either he or I

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