His Golden Heart

Free His Golden Heart by Marcia King-Gamble

Book: His Golden Heart by Marcia King-Gamble Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcia King-Gamble
“It’s exactly that kind of attitude that’s going to land you in jail,” he admonished, in a slow, lazy drawl. “You’ll need to answer the questions calmly. If you appear testy or belligerent it will work against you. Don’t forget, you’re fighting a stereotype.”
    “You mean you want me to lie down and die? Sell out.”
    “I’m not asking you to do either. You’re in a lot of trouble, young man. Being respectful and not losing your cool couldn’t hurt. The jury’s bound to be more sympathetic to a polite kid than the thug the prosecution will describe. It’s up to you to help them change their minds.”
    Shayna listened intently as Colin continued to reason with Reggie. She’d driven her little brother to the attorney’s office after work. With only a few weeks to go before the trial, Colin had wanted them to meet and go over their defense once again. Even though Colin appeared outwardly calm, she could tell he was worried. They were up against the powerful testimony of the victim, Mrs. Simpkins. She’d been beaten up pretty badly, and her appearance alone assured her sympathy. Shayna had also learned of an eyewitness who’d come forward claiming that the boy’s Honda had been seen casing Mrs. Simpkins’s block. It had been parked on a corner for a considerable time. Reggie, when confronted, had insisted it was a lie. He’d stuck to his story about looking for a McDonald’s. Colin had insisted they hire a private eye. He’d hoped to find a witness to substantiate Reggie’s story. If this person came forward confirming the time the boys were in McDonald’s, the case would most likely be dismissed. So far they’d come up empty, but Colin remained optimistic.
    “The prosecution’s attorney’s going to play hardball,” he said to Reggie, capturing Shayna’s attention again.
    “He’s going to paint you as the worst kind of monster. A beast that should be put away. Your job, and mine, is to make the jury think otherwise. To create reasonable doubt.”
    “Why is it always harder for black people?” Reggie asked, his youth and naiveté showing. “That lawyer on TV looked like a redneck. He spoke all proper and stuff. Yapping on about me being the new breed of thug.”
    Colin’s white teeth were prominent in a face that was almost the color of coal. Shayna wondered what was so funny about Reggie’s remark. There were elements of truth in what he had to say. Although she’d never considered Reggie’s attorney a handsome man, when he threw his head back, cognac eyes sparkling, she saw what others must see, an attractive and very virile man.
    He’d come highly recommended by their family attorney. The two had gone to law school together. What she’d been told by the very proper Rita Pinkett Meadows, esq., was that Colin Johnson was the best lawyer that money could buy. Shayna noticed his ring-less hands and wondered if he was married. Not because she was particularly interested in him, but because it had occurred to her that she hadn’t met an available man since moving to Denver. What was it? Eight, nine months ago? Actually that wasn’t true. She’d met Beau, though she would hardly call him available.
    “Ed Anderson, a bigot?” Colin repeated, when he’d stopped laughing. “Far from it. He’s tough but fair. He enjoys defending the underdog.”
    Shayna remembered something the reporter on television had said. He’d implied that one of Anderson’s sons had been a problem.
    “I understand Ed Anderson’s got kids of his own,” she said, joining the conversation.
    “That he does. One of his sons is famous. You might have heard of him.”
    “Can we stick to my case?” Reggie said, bouncing on the balls of his feet impatiently. “I’m meeting the guys to play basketball in exactly one hour. I don’t have a lot of time to waste. So fill me in on what’s going on. Tell me how you’re planning on getting me out of this mess.”
    Colin jabbed a finger at Reggie. “There’s

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