IMPACT: A Secret Baby Sports Romance

Free IMPACT: A Secret Baby Sports Romance by Vivian Lux

Book: IMPACT: A Secret Baby Sports Romance by Vivian Lux Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vivian Lux
then turned around and locked the door behind him.
    "Do you want me to kiss you?" he demanded. He looked fucking immense in this tiny place. There was no way for me to avoid looking at him because he was fucking everywhere. And there was no way for me to lie to him because I could see myself in the mirror over the sink and the need was written over every inch of my face.
    I was losing control again.
    "Kiss me," I said. I didn't ask him, though. I ordered him.
    He hesitated, and I almost said please . I almost started begging him to kiss me. When he finally did what I wanted, I sagged in relief.
    The heat of his mouth on mine was exactly as sweet as I remembered; the rough, innate skill at which he played his tongue against mine. I don't know if you could train to kiss like this, or if it's something that he just was born knowing how to do, but in that moment - as his tongue slid against mine, his hands roaming across my breasts and down to cup my ass, lifting me just an inch closer so that he could kiss me just a fraction deeper - I didn't give a shit.
    Because all at once my brain just... stopped . The incessant whir of thoughts and schemes died away, and with it those worries about whether I looked sexy or pretty, or whether I was coming across too strong, whether people liked me or were afraid of me, whether he liked me as much as I really fucking liked him, whether I could ever allow him to know the truth of how much I liked him....
    All those thoughts just went...quiet.
    And in the quiet was peace I had never known. I wasn't worrying about whether I had the upper hand. It was just my body against his body, a woman against a man, kissing him like her life depended on it and it probably fucking did.
    I melted into that blankness. There was a sound, and it might have been me moaning, but I didn't fucking care. I took a breath and opened my eyes and caught a glimpse of myself, possessed and ragged and completely fucking falling apart and I didn't fucking care. I took his face in my hands, clutching it because I needed him. I needed to inhale the smell of him, and feel the weight of him and I needed to lose myself in this bliss because I wasn't sure if I could ever allow myself to be lost like this again.
    Brad kissed me like he wanted to take all of my problems and make them his own. Brad kissed me like he was certain that I was the best thing in his life. Brad kissed me like the next thing he wanted to do was lift me high up above everything that churned around me.
    Brad kissed me like I was his .
    A single thought swam up from the blankness, shattering the bliss of quiet in my mind. How the fuck did I think I could end this?
    Brad spun me around so that my back was flat against the door. He pulled back, but kept his hand on my chin, holding my face immobile so that I had to look him right in the eye.
    "Liv," he exhaled in a ragged gasp. He was breathing hard...and so was I. But with each breath, my thoughts came rushing back in again, that sweet, blissful oblivion already receding. A wave of pleasure crashed over into a wave of panic. My mind scrambled for something to hold onto in the deluge. I found one scrap and I held on tight.
    He wants me.
    If he wanted me...
    Then I had the upper hand.
    I took a deep breath. I was in control here. That blankness was just the relief at ending my dry spell. This wasn't anything bigger than pure, animal lust.
    I grinned, running my tongue along my teeth. "Let's just get a few things straight," I purred, ready to state my conditions. "This is still just fucking."
    His face flickered. But I was on a roll, clawing my way back up out of the terror of oblivion. "We're using each other for sex." His eyes narrowed. "This is just going to be for when you're not on the road. We're not going to start...."
    "Olivia shut the fuck up," he growled.
    "Hey now, don't get all growly on me."
    "For fuck's sake, Olivia."
    "What? I'm offering a new plan, here. Clearly, we can't stop messing around. We're

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