East End Trouble

Free East End Trouble by Dani Oakley, D.S. Butler

Book: East End Trouble by Dani Oakley, D.S. Butler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dani Oakley, D.S. Butler
one.” Frieda said and nodded to Frank, who was just disappearing through the back door.
    F rank was starting to regret his hasty actions last night. What had he been thinking? Dave Carter may have treated him like shit yesterday, but what he had done had been ten times worse. He had sold his boss out to his greatest enemy.
    He felt like crap, too, and was suffering through the worst hangover of his life. He’d fallen asleep on the sofa upstairs in the flat and then wandered down here this morning to try and get away before anyone noticed him. Unfortunately, he hadn’t spotted the cleaning lady’s bucket on the floor.
    Frank walked up the stairs taking each step slowly. Everything seemed to be an extra effort this morning. He had the shakes, and he wasn’t sure whether that was his normal tremors or the after-effects of the Scotch he’d drunk last night. His rolling stomach and nausea were definitely down to the Scotch, though.
    He reached the top of the stairs and walked into the open plan living area. Martin was sitting in an armchair sipping a cup of tea.”
    “Morning, Frank. You look like crap.”
    “I want to get home,” Frank said, gesturing to the clothes he was wearing. “I need to get washed and changed.”
    Martin gave him a cold smile. “I don’t think that would be wise, Frank. You should stay here today.”
    Frank was starting to feel stir-crazy already. How would he cope for the rest of the day stuck in here?
    “You’re treating me like some kind of prisoner,” Frank protested.
    Martin took another sip of his tea. “I prefer to think of you as a valued guest, Frank.”
    Frank looked down at the floor. What if he’d never let him go?
    Sunlight streamed in through the windows. He knew it wouldn’t be long before his former colleagues turned up for work at the warehouse. They always had a meeting first thing to discuss the plans for that day and any problems that might have arisen the night before.
    Would they notice that something was wrong when he didn’t show up at the warehouse this morning? Or would they just assume he was still upset at losing his position within the firm.
    Frank felt the hope drain out of him and flopped down onto the sofa. He was now in bed with Martin Morton, and would regret it for the rest of his life.

Chapter 15
    C harlie Williams sat in the front passenger seat of the van Brian had stolen earlier that day. It was ten-thirty pm, and it wouldn’t be long until they started the raid. He buzzed with a nervous energy.
    Dave had told them he didn’t want any violence. Dave Carter never involved himself in petty squabbles like this, so it was just Charlie Williams, Brian Moore and Dave’s brother Gary heading to The Three Grapes tonight.
    Charlie was feeling uneasy and wished Frank was there. He didn’t like how things had gone down yesterday and felt guilty that he had been the one to tell Dave that Frank was getting worse. Deep down, he knew that Frank was too ill to come out on a raid like this, but he missed Frank’s steady common sense and reassuring presence.
    A loud cackle of a laugh made Charlie look over his shoulder at Gary Carter in the back of the van. Dave’s brother, Gary, could never be accused of having a calming presence. Charlie was worried about him. He sat in the back smiling to himself and looking far too eager to get things started. His eyes had an odd look, too, and his pupils were like pin pricks. Charlie hoped the stupid bastard hadn’t taken anything.
    Charlie swallowed back the guilt as he remembered how Frank had looked yesterday when he walked out of the warehouse. Perhaps eventually he would realise taking Dave up on his offer to oversee things on the car business was a good idea. It made sense, and it was a nice safe job for his retirement.
    Charlie checked his watch again; it was almost time. He stared down at his gun, and out of habit, he checked the knife he kept in a holster around his ankle.
    They weren’t wearing masks

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