Snow Bound: The Complete Story

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Book: Snow Bound: The Complete Story by Julia P. Lynde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia P. Lynde
Tags: Romance, BDSM, 2013
she jerked. I kissed her clit, pulling it into my lips, sucking on the tip of it, and her movements became more frantic. "Oh Sarah!"
    She ground her hips at me, pressing herself firmly against my mouth. I shoved her back against the wall of the shower, but pressed my mouth more firmly into her sex.
    Her hands were back in my hair, clutching at me, while she was saying over and over, "Sarah! Oh Sarah!"
    She began to shudder, the motion filling her body, letting out a long, loud, "Sarah! I'm coming! I'm coming! Oh Sarah!"
    I kept her in my mouth until the shudders dissipated. I pulled away and looked up at her. She was pressed against the wall of the shower, her eyes closed, breathing heavily. I worked my way out from underneath her, then traced a line of kissed up her body to her neck. She pulled me into a kiss.
    We hugged in the shower for a while before she pulled away. "You certainly aren't my first lover, but you are the sexiest woman I've ever held."
    I smiled. "Time to wash your hair.
    * * *
    After the shower, we took turns pampering each other. I brushed and dried her hair, then she attended to mine. I got the better end of the deal. By the time we were dressed, the snow had stopped.
    We moved to the living room and sat on the sofa, curled up with each other, staring out the window and talking quietly. "Sarah," she said. "That deer was the luckiest thing that has ever happened to me."
    I laughed. "I thought perhaps I was the luckiest thing that ever happened to you."
    She laughed with me. "I guess perhaps they are intertwined." She paused. "Will you read more from your book?"
    "The next chapter is dark," I told her.
    "I'd love to hear it," she replied.
    "All right," I said, pushing her away from me a little so I could extricate myself from the sofa. I retrieved my laptop then sat down on the opposite end of the sofa. She pouted a little at the distance.
    "When is the last time you pouted?" I asked her.
    I watched her think about it. "I honestly don't know," she said finally. She laughed at herself. "You make me feel young."
    "Are you on that old thing again?" I asked her, my brow furrowing.
    "No," she said.
    I eyed her suspiciously. "All right. Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes." We both shifted on the sofa so we were sitting sideways, our legs partly intertwined. She closed her eyes. I opened the laptop and found the second chapter.
    Chapter two of my novel is set in the city. It is written to be intentionally discordant. It is actually a good story, but it's not designed to make you feel good. I watched Allison as she became increasingly restless. At one point she opened her eyes to watch me read. I felt her gaze on me and stopped reading. "No," I said. "Eyes closed. Listen and feel the story."
    She closed her eyes. My eyes lowered to the screen again, continuing the story, but I kept stealing glances at her. I watched as she slowly curled up and wrapped her arms around her knees, withdrawing from me.
    I finished the chapter and watched her. She sat quietly for a minute longer, still hugging her knees, but looking restless. Finally she opened her eyes and looked at me. She looked at the distance she'd put between us and considered her own body language.
    "I'm sorry," she said.
    I smiled. "You have nothing to apologize for."
    "That's very unsettling." She paused. "I can't even tell you why. But. It's almost like I can taste the smog choking the tree she planted."
    A rush of pleasure burst through me. If that was all she got out of the story, I was pleased. That had been my goal when I wrote it, to make the reader feel choked by the city, all the noise, all the unnatural smells, all the crowding. I understood that cities were important in their way, but how can one breath?
    "Sarah," she said. "Are you going to leave me like this? Is the next chapter just as unsettling?"
    "No," I said. "It's not. Would you like me to read it?"
    "Yes, please."
    "All right," I said. I lowered my eyes and began reading again. I

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