to do any like that."
"No. Just curious."
"I was being opportunistic. You were here and took nice photos last night." I paused. "Ready to go inside?"
She nodded. I took her hand and we walked to the cabin together.
One we got to the porch, we brushed snow off each other and shook off as best we could before stepping inside the cabin. Once inside we climbed out of our outerwear and carried them to the laundry room to hang up or set on the rug. I grabbed Allison and pushed her firmly against the wall, pressing my body against her. I wove my hand in her hair and pulled her mouth to me for a kiss.
She whimpered into the kiss. The sound woke up Predator Sarah, but I shoved her back with an unspoken "Soon".
"Breakfast first," I told Allison, releasing her.
She smiled at me and nodded, but before I could step back, she put her arms around me and rested her head on my shoulder. I enveloped her in my own arms for a moment, then pulled away. "What are you cooking for me, Slave Girl?"
"Slave Girl, is it?"
I looked at her.
"Are pancakes all right, Mistress?"
I laughed. "Yes, Slave Girl. Pancakes would be fabulous."
She laughed, leading the way back to the kitchen.
While she cooked, I downloaded everything from the camera to my computer. I went through everything and immediately realized I had all the photos of her from last night. I dug through my camera bag and found my collection of USB thumb drives. I searched for a blank one and copied the photos of Allison to it, deleting them from my hard drive as I went, but staring at each one first.
I would have used all of them. It was definitely best to remove temptation.
I went through the photos I'd taken this morning. There were a couple that were blurry. I deleted them. The rest I liked.
"May I see?" she asked.
I turned the computer around and went through the photos. When we got to the ones she had taken, she asked me to slow down. I went through them slowly until she said, "Stop."
It was one of the photos she'd taken once I was trying to flirt with her. The background was the snow-covered trees. My head was down and I was looking at the camera through my eyelashes, my head slightly cocked. There was a half smile on my lips. You could just see the lace of my bra.
"Sarah," Allison said quietly, "may I have a copy of that?"
I smiled at her. I turned the computer around and sat at a bar stool. I pulled the image up in Photoshop and did a little cleanup. When I was done, I copied it to the thumb drive.
I finished with the photos and put the computer and camera away. I set the thumb drive to the side after telling Allison what it is. "I wouldn't leave it sitting around for anyone else to see," I told her, grinning.
She blushed.
* * *
After a far too fattening breakfast, I pulled her to the bedroom and immediately began pulling clothes off her. She giggled and was very cooperative. She reached for a few kisses, but I swatted her on the bottom and told her to knock it off.
She pouted. It was cute.
"Undress me," I ordered. "But behave."
She did.
Then I put my hands on her shoulders and started marching her backwards into the bathroom. I grinned at her.
"Oh no," she said. "I was good."
I pushed her until she had her back against the shower. "Get in," I told her.
She tried to reach around and turn the water on.
"Get in right now," I told her sternly.
She meekly climbed into the shower. I turned the water on, and she immediately began shrieking. "Cold! Sarah! Cold!"
"Let me know when it's a comfortable temperature," I told her.
She continued to shriek for several seconds but finally got the water adjusted properly. I reached in, testing it, then climbed in after her.
"Sarah? What did I do to deserve that?"
"Nothing. I'm sorry. I was feeling playful. It wasn't fair."
"Are you going to make it up to me?"
"I might," I said. "How long will the water last."
"A long time," she said. "I have a very large hot water heater. It doesn't do to make guests take