Red Handed

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Book: Red Handed by Gena Showalter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gena Showalter
said with finality.
    Even though I strained, I couldn’t make out anyone’s response. Several minutes passed, and the whispering session became more heated. What were they saying? Kick me out and send me home? Please, please, please .
    â€œI have a question,” Allison said loudly. Her words echoed off the walls, in my ears.
    â€œLet’s hear it,” Deep Voice told her.
    â€œIt’s not a question, really, but a situation. I’d like to know what she’d do.”
    â€œLet’s hear it,” I said, mimicking the authority Deep Voice used.
    Ryan chuckled again, and again I felt the warmth of it.
    â€œYou’re in a dark alley,” Allison said stiffly. “You’re alone. You have no weapons. A group of Outers stumble upon you, and they obviously want your blood spilled over the dirty concrete. What do you do?”
    Everyone went quiet. The air became heavy with tension.
    â€œWhy don’t I have weapons?” I asked just to be difficult. She was trying to trip me up, I knew it. There had to be a right answer and a wrong answer, and everyone was waiting to hear which one I’d give. While a small part of me wanted to give the wrong answer so I’d (hopefully) be sent home, a big part of me wanted to give the right answer and knock her off her I’m-so-superior throne.
    â€œYou just don’t!”
    â€œNot even a barrette from my hair?”
    â€œNo,” she barked.
    More chuckles. Not just from Ryan.
    â€œWhat about a rock from the ground?” I asked.
    â€œNo! Nothing. Just you and the men.”
    â€œAre they armed?”
    â€œAre they tall or short?”
    â€œTall! Stop stalling. What would you do?”
    â€œLook, I’m not stalling.” And I wasn’t—anymore. I think I knew the right answer. There was no way in hell I’d be caught in a dark alley with no weapons. But I didn’t say that. “I’m just trying to get a clear picture of the situation. As to what I’d do, well, I know what I wouldn’t do. I wouldn’t fight them since they’re tall men who could probably beat my bones into powder.”
    When I didn’t continue, Deep Voice prompted me. “So what would you do?”
    I shrugged. “I’d memorize their physical descriptions if possible, maybe grab something from them, a piece of clothing, a wallet, so they could be tracked later, and then I’d run like hell.” Cowardly? Maybe. But staying alive was a little more important than looking brave.
    Allison snorted. I guess that’s the answer she’d wanted to hear. “Would you smoke a Snow Angel while you were at it?”
    Before I could reply, Mia said, “I want her. She’s just what this place needs. Logical, passionate, and determined. And like I said, you can kick her out if she doesn’t work.”
    Deep Voice sighed. “I knew you’d say that. But I have to agree with the others. The drug use…if she were to cause any of the others to become addicted…”
    Sweet Voice piped in. “This is a stressful program and an addict almost always caves during stress.”
    â€œHow many times do I have to say it? We’ll test her. Every day if necessary. Until she fails, let’s give her a chance. People with passion don’t come around often, and how many of you can claim to have led perfect lives?”
    â€œBoss, she’s got what it takes. I know it, and you know it. A chance is all I want for her.”
    Silence. I imagined them staring each other down—because I didn’t want to think about how their words were making me feel. Half-elated, half-beaten down.
    â€œWell, it’s settled then,” Deep Voice finally said with a sigh. “She stays.”
    In the next instant, my blindfold was removed. Light pierced my eyes, and I had to blink against the blinding brightness. Several strands of pale hair

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