The Sheikh's American Daughter

Free The Sheikh's American Daughter by Kate Goldman

Book: The Sheikh's American Daughter by Kate Goldman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Goldman
she replied cheekily.
    Joseph rose to his feet also. He placed his hand gently on Olivia’s waist and kissed her on the cheek. Olivia jerked her head backwards. He had taken her by surprise. His large hand was sitting on her waist and it made her nervous.
    “What are you doing?” she breathed.
    “This is how we greet people or bid them farewell,” Joseph replied in a tone that suggested that she had asked a dumb question. Joseph proceeded to kiss her other cheek. He pulled away and searched her eyes. “Until next time, Miss Grant,” he said. He turned on his heel and headed out of the room.
    Olivia placed her hand on her heart. She had felt so nervous. He made her nervous. Olivia felt her face warming up. She fanned herself with her hand. She wanted to slap herself for allowing him to make her perplexed. She cleared her throat and quickly left the room.

Chapter 13
    As Joseph walked into the restaurant, people stared at him. The women smiled and greeted him. Joseph was used to that kind of attention. He just kept walking towards the back of the restaurant, where there was a room for VIP guests only.
    “Good afternoon, Sheikh Boutros. Your guests have arrived,” a neatly dressed waiter said to him.
    “Okay,” Joseph replied. The waiter opened the door for him. He walked into the modest sized air-conditioned room. The room had large windows that revealed a beautiful view of the beach. Joseph made his way to the table made out of the finest wood.
    “Sheikh Solomon,” Joseph said as he approached him.
    Sheikh Solomon rose from his table and shook Joseph’s hand. 
    “Thank you for coming,” he said with a smile.
    “Hello Olivia,” said Joseph. Olivia was staring at Joseph in shock. He sat down opposite her. She whipped her head in her father’s direction.
    “I thought we were going to have lunch and talk,” she said. She looked at Joseph. “Just the two of us,” she emphasized.
    “We talked.” Sheikh Solomon smiled. “However, I have a meeting to attend.”
    Olivia narrowed her gaze at him. He smiled and walked away.
    “I feel ambushed!” she called out after him. She looked at Joseph. “So, the two of you planned this.”
    “Not really,” he said. Olivia frowned at him. “Eating with me will not kill you,” he added.
    Olivia smiled a little and picked up the menu. 
    “You are tenacious,” she said to him.
    “I want what I want and I get what I want.”
    Olivia looked up from her menu. “And you want me?” she asked, as if she did not know the answer to her question.
    “Yes, I want you,” Joseph replied.
    Olivia put her menu down.
    “I’ll just have whatever you are having,” she said. She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest. “What is it about me that interests you?” she asked.
    Joseph closed his menu and placed it on the table. He already knew what he wanted. He had been to the restaurant a few times.
    “I think you are beautiful, and you have an attractive figure,” he said. It was true. That and the fact that he had to get married within the next three months and he would rather it be to Olivia.
    “So, you are just interested in my looks,” she said. It surprised him a little. Most women would be so happy to hear a compliment from him. Olivia did not seem affected.
    “Your body would look even better if you dressed properly,” he said. She was wearing black harem trousers and a blue top. Her hair was tied up into a messy bun. Again, he would have preferred it if she wore a dress or a skirt.
    “Excuse me?” Olivia did not look pleased by what he had just said. Before Olivia could say anything else, a waiter walked into the room.
    “Are you ready to order?” he asked. Joseph nodded. The waiter reached into his pocket and pulled out a small notepad and a pen.
    “Two portions of the roasted lamb, and make sure it’s moderately

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