Bourbon & Branch Water

Free Bourbon & Branch Water by Patricia Green

Book: Bourbon & Branch Water by Patricia Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Green
to get back to
Nevada. But she and Jeff did have the loss of one parent in common. Although
Albert Stillwater hadn’t died in a traffic accident, he was gone and Stormy
missed him much as Jeff must miss his mother.
    Stormy was exhausted, and Jeff
probably was, too, so it wasn’t much of a hardship for her to put on one of his
pajama tops and crawl into his bed for the night. They both agreed that the
long drive back to the reservation would be a mistake under the circumstances.
It gave her an excuse to stay with him again, prolonging the contact. The
sensual sex was a bonus.
    Jeff undid the buttons of the borrowed
pajama top slowly, drawing out the moments into something like torture. Stormy
wanted him up against her. Her nipples were hard points eager to rub over his
chest. He explored her body with hands and mouth, making her writhe beneath him
before he slid home inside her. He went so slowly, so tenderly. Each thrust
made her raise her hips to meet him. And, once again, he said delicious things
to her.
    “You’re beautiful,” he said as he
ran a hand down her body and cupped her behind. A little lift and their contact
intensified. “You’re mine for the night, mine to do with as I want.” He rocked
against her, in her, and she moaned. “Like that?”
    She nodded, eyes closed.
    Jeff’s whisper was right up against
her ear. “Say it.”
    Again, she moaned, but the softly
spoken words were said. “I like being yours.”
    His pace picked up, and her
excitement rose. She rubbed his hard biceps and reached down to cup his tight
ass, pulling him closer, encouraging his thrusts. Wrapping her knees around
him, she squirmed with the building pleasure.
    “Gently, babe, let’s take our time.”
    “I’m so close,” she said, her voice
sounding needy to her ears.
    He complied, though he still was
almost teasing her with his careful movements.
    “Jeff…” The sensation was rising.
She was skyrocketing, but the stars were a little out of her reach.
    The next few thrusts of his hips
were hard and Stormy’s delight made her squeeze him
with her knees.
    “Your pussy is so wet,” he said,
his voice raspy. “You are such a good fuck.”
    A thrill of urgency raced through Stormy’s middle and she cupped his face as he hovered over
her, stroking his stubbly cheeks, running her hands over his broad shoulders
and strong arms. He pushed harder and her skyrocket exploded. She arched her back,
drawing the sensation out, trying to keep the pulses pounding as long as
    Opening her eyes again, she saw he
was smiling, but his hips hadn’t stopped moving.
    “You,” she said.
    “Yeah, babe, my turn.”
    It didn’t take long, a dozen more
wickedly sharp movements and Jeff’s eyes closed. He shuddered and released his
breath with a low growl.
    Stormy hugged him tightly as he
lowered himself on his arms and rolled them both over. When his cock left her,
she felt empty, but it was a pleasant emptiness, as though all the tension was
gone. Built up lust was assuaged for a time. They were both hot and sweaty, so
after a minute of cuddling, Stormy moved away a bit. Jeff took her hand and
squeezed it as they lay side by side.
    Stormy fell asleep with Jeff’s hand
holding hers.
    * * *
    The phone was ringing. It made a
clanging and clashing of cymbals. Stormy rolled over and tried to ignore it.
She didn’t have to try for long. Jeff answered it.
    “Hey, Kelly,” he murmured, and got
out of bed. “I’m sorry I couldn’t meet you for dinner tonight. You got my text,
right? Something came up and I had to handle it.” Jeff walked away, the phone
held to his ear.
    “Just a situation, so what’s up
with you?”
    The bedroom door closed behind him
and anything he said after was lost to Stormy. Kelly . Was this an ex-girlfriend? If so, they were on pretty
friendly terms if she was calling this late. Maybe it was someone more current.
Maybe he was seeing two women at once! Maybe Jeff was

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