Sleeping Alone

Free Sleeping Alone by Barbara Bretton

Book: Sleeping Alone by Barbara Bretton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Bretton
Tags: Contemporary
thud of the dead bolt sliding into place. At least she remembered to lock up this time.
    “Took you long enough,” Eddie said as John motioned for Bailey to jump into the rear of the truck.
    “I thought you were walking home.”
    “In this weather?” Eddie snorted. “I may be old, but I’m not crazy.”
    “You’re the one in pajamas.” John stuck the key in the ignition.
    “Did you ask her out?”
    “Don’t start,” John warned as he waited for the engine to turn over.
    “It’s Thanksgiving. You gonna have her eat alone?”
    “Maybe she’s not going to be alone, Pop. She might have a husband and six kids.”
    “And maybe she doesn’t have anyone.” Eddie swung open the passenger door.
    “Where the hell are you going now?”
    “Where do you think?” Eddie countered. “I’m going to ask her out.”
    * * *
    Alex quickly let the curtains drop back into place as Eddie started up the pathway to the front door. She hoped they hadn’t seen her peeking out the window at them. She told herself she’d wanted to make sure John made it to his truck without slipping on the ice, and there was a kernel of truth in that. Unfortunately that kernel of truth was overwhelmed by the real reason: She couldn’t take her eyes off John Gallagher.
    She opened the door at the first knock and gave Eddie her best smile. “Did you forget something?”
    “Sure did,” he said as she motioned him in from the cold. “What are you doing for dinner today?”
    “Dinner?” She tried to visualize the contents of her refrigerator and cupboards. “Probably soup and a salad.”
    His frown threw the lines on his weathered face into even sharper relief. “For Thanksgiving?”
    His words took her by surprise. “It can’t possibly be Thanksgiving yet.”
    “Fourth Thursday in November,” Eddie said, “regular as clockwork.”
    “You’re right,” she said. “I can’t believe I forgot.”
    “Why don’t you have Thanksgiving dinner with us?”
    She was so touched by his offer that tears welled in her eyes. “Oh, I couldn’t do that, Eddie.”
    “You got someplace else to go?”
    “No, but—”
    “So it’s settled. Three o’clock. Number 10 Lighthouse Way.”
    A family Thanksgiving, she thought. Her first in more years than she could count. “I really shouldn’t,” she said. God help her, she sounded like a woman in need of convincing.
    “Why not?” Eddie asked. “You’re not a vegetarian, are you?”
    She laughed again, the second time in less than an hour. “I’m not a vegetarian.” She met his eyes, looking for the slightest hint of uncertainty. “Will your family mind?”
    “The more the merrier, they always say.”
    “Then I’d love to join you.”
    Eddie beamed his approval. “Now you’re talking. 10 Lighthouse Way. Three o’clock.”
    “I’ll be there.”
    “One more thing,” Eddie said. “Are you married?”
    How could such a simple question be so hard to answer? She glanced down at her left hand. “No,” she said after a moment. The truth fell somewhere in between. “Not anymore.”
    Eddie nodded as if he’d known it all along. “Perfect,” he said, his bright blue eyes twinkling with delight. “Neither is Johnny.” He turned and left without another word.
    Alex stood in the doorway and watched as Eddie climbed into the truck. The two men exchanged words, then John looked toward her. Their eyes met. She felt the way she’d felt when he held her in his arms, dazed and yielding; all the things she didn’t want to feel.
    So turn away, she told herself. All she had to do was go back into the house and close the door behind her. It was an easy enough thing to do.
    But she stood there on the top step, in the wind and the rain and the cold, and she watched until the truck turned onto Soundview and disappeared.


    No grown woman should greet the dawn with her arm wedged up to the elbow inside a turkey.
    Dee was a firm believer in the importance of holiday rituals and traditions, but

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