Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales

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Book: Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales by Clarissa Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clarissa Black
have been left out from the details of my mock-up.
    It was well late in the evening, almost midnight. I didn’t care. There was work to be done. I grabbed my keys and off I went back to the facility.
    On the drive I couldn’t help notice how the huge full moon was. It stood proudly at the center of the freeway, like a sort of bright star pointing me to where I needed to go. The desolate open fields basked in the light bluish glow. It was a magical sight but it also felt eerie. Asides from patrol cars, I seem to be the only car traveling. When I turned into the facilities extension road, I haven’t seen a car or any form of life for miles.
    The headlight of my eyes hit the cement parking lot of the lonely office building. Strangely, the lights were still on. Was somebody still working? I entered the office in slow steps. The cubicles were all empty. I plopped my laptop in one of the desk and started looking at the CAD drawing of the building.
    Almost 30 minutes had passed after midnight, when I heard pacing footsteps. Surely, the managers would have left by now. But the pacing grew even more pronounced as if it were trying to walk a thousand miles per hour. I slowly inched towards the source. It seems to be coming from the main CEO office of Hideshi. Hideshi was still working! How devoted he is to his work.
    I didn’t want to bother him in his work. I know I should have said hi and hello. It’s been years, but I just didn’t feel it was the proper time. Besides, I’ll surely have the chance to give him a proper hello during the opening event. He’ll be there inside my creation. I’m really looking forward to it.
    Looking attentively at the CAD layout of the site-map, which is the horizontal map showing all the structures and sub-structures, I finally pin-pointed that blank spot which was mysteriously not included in the submitted designs of the whole facility work. I would have left this area as an unsolved mystery, except one of my pipes were to run directly beneath it. I needed to see it.
    I grabbed my jacket and headed out to the crisp air. A gentle breeze gave a warm feeling as the expanse of the countryside’s soft wind hummed a melodious tune that blew my hair to its side.
    “It’s rather late now ma’m,” said a familiar voice with a familiar face.
    “Dillon!!” I said happy to see him out here. He wasn’t wearing his overalls, instead he was wearing a farmer’s outfit.
    “Night duty ma’m. I saw you pulled in and stood guard for you ma’m. I know you a hardworking woman. And that’s why I’ll be accompanying you. Have no fear ma’m you’d be safe with me.” He said with a sweet gentleness in his expression as he tilted his head proudly hinting at the gun that was strapped on his shoulders, a mark of his authority in this place.
    “I’m glad you’re here,” I said as I clutched a sheet from my pocket and showed it to Dillon, “I need your help Dillon. I’m trying to find this one spot in the facility.” I pointed at the spot. Dillon face crinkled trying to make sense of the site-map.
    “Yeah, I know where that is. It’s right by the veterinary. Where feeders are located just prior to their vaccinations. We have an animal friendly place going around here.” He said with an eager smile in his face.
    “Ok, the Buiatrics, bovine veterinary structure. Would you show that place to me please.”
    “Of course. I see that you’re wearing your boots. Good to know that. Let’s go ma’m.”
    That biuatrics facility was responsible for keeping the cows in a healthy state. Kobe beef, a little known fact, can only be produced if the cattle themselves are kept in a stress-free condition. Efforts to replicate it was largely unsuccessful. Except with Hideshi’s cattle. He took the elements of the wagyu cattle breeding stock and cross-bred it with the all American Angus bred. A mish-mash of cultures.

The area was the realm of

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